Sunday, January 2, 2022

All The Time

at birth we were given life
that is easy to know, but
from where did it come?
our life that is...
no just from the womb
or from fertilized eggs but
from when did it originate?
"a good question" you exclaim
"but I have no answers"
and therein lies the debate,
the one that says we were
created or evolved...
and yet with innocence I wonder
can it not be both?
it's not an easy question
and I don't really expect
any kind of answer...  but, I 
would like to know why there
are some who think they are
the ultimate authority...
we know that there are others
present in our extremely large
universe...  and yet, any speculation
in that regards is immediately
frowned upon...  as if we are 
only allowed one speculation
for each lifetime...  there are those
who swear by all that's holy in
their beliefs that we could have
lived multiple times...  but without
any guarantees of learning...
but what is learning without a
little verification?  and this now
brings us back to our birth...
and to those who say we have
"free will..."  well, I say...  where
was my free will when conceived?
life take us in and out the
various clouds of uncertainty and
while some of these clouds
evaporate some never do...  and
when I look up into the sky...
I see no beginning or end
and my thoughts dwell upon the
reality it has been there all the time.

21 October 2021

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