Saturday, January 15, 2022


around the corner from the mind lies the
essence of our souls and those of mankind,
who venture froth each day into a world
of which they know nothing and as they act
out each hour of its passing they offer up
the impression they do not give a damn...
around the corner from the soul lies the spirit
of one's imagination that harbors no grudges
towards the mind that it betrays daily as it
revisits reality from the vantage point of
numerous perspectives, acting out its plays
in a familiar but precarious environment...
around the corner from the imagination lies the
hospital of memories of which few will survive
the onslaught of age that diminishes their viability,
preventing their aggravating rebirth and recovery
that oftentimes is as unpleasant as it is otherwise...
around the corner from the hospital lies the
personality of action or inaction as the case may be,
sifting out fact from fiction while addressing
each day as if walking in a military parade even
though its behaviors typically speak differently...
around the corner from the personality lies the
duality of it all and the constant struggle
between the conscious and the sub-conscious
fighting like step children in an unorthodox
approach to waging battle against the predictable
and the uinpredictable overlooking the ironies
that their battle for domination creates until the
difference between perspectives finally coincide.

25 October 2021

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