clues about life are tossed out onto the
ground like chicken feed, waiting for
the hungry to grab them up first... a
bright light shines through the sky
from an unknown origin as if it is
trying to dispute what we know can
only be our truth... a version of
reality that has been taught to us at
birth that sticks with us until we die
and learn the reality of that decision;
clues about life are seen all around
us as we live our lives normally or
as normally as we can, knowing that
we know very little about who we
are or were before finding ourselves
here... when here is an illusive term
we tell ourselves when we have no
clues about anything... let alone, the
gift of life we all seem to have been
given by someone or something...
none of us really know which is why
we spend time looking for these clues.
21 February 2023