Thursday, February 23, 2023

Space Around Us

night fills the space around our bodies

our eyes adjust to the absence of light

our mind overlaps our thoughts

as they cascade around us...

we see what is directly in front 

but no more unless we move forward

into that which spreads apart, making

room for us to pass by undetected...

se scream at the shadows that follow

mimicking our movements as if we

are all one in the same when we are

not that at all...  we are creatures that

move through space and time and you

are the colors of that space that allow

us to pass through, removing all the

barriers that may have been in the way,

one foot after the other, is moved by

the lag attached to it, but not a device

that is mechanical but human, at least

for the time being...  we are always in

the process of recreation as we evolve

inside the time and space that has been

allocated to our development, displacing

something else so that we might exist a

day or two longer than was intended.

15 February 2023

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