Saturday, August 31, 2024

Illusive Fuzziness

my face pressed firmly against the window
I look into the inner workings of my mind.
it is a wondrously large room as endless as
my imagination...  the room is divided by
a multitude of walls, some short, some tall.
some wide and some thin with each wall
displaying all the pages ever written...
there are paining in my room, hanging
from the ceiling or another wall and a
few mounted on pedestals coming out
of the watery floor that flows around
like the tributaries and canals of Venice,
memories roll down Sisyphus mountains
and there are no stones nearby... poems
are broadcasted from corner speakers
all at the same time - a nerve racking
experience if you found yourself inside,
reason and logic are printed on tapestries
floating around offering magic carpet rides
while words from a recent eulogy are on
a constant feedback loop...  fantasies are
woven into the fabric of time since it 
has left space outside...  holographic 
images of my past and future meander
around like Eden serpents luring me into
different directions making sure that what
lies ahead is illusive fuzziness...  lines of
aging form on the glass illuminating the
wrinkles that, like slugs, have attached...
momentarily my thoughts have abandoned
like the soldiers at the end of the Civil War
and I am left with hollowness inside as if
my being has started its final rejuvenation.

August 23, 2024

Friday, August 30, 2024

Time Cocoons

anchored in our minds are
the ships of knowledge,
intelligence vessels that
bring us closer to truth...
truth bring us closer to
reality...  reality brings us
closer to awareness...
awareness tells the story
allowing us to believe or
not believe perceptions,..
from these vessels we
dive into thoughtless oceans
where we bathe in the waters
of cosmic consciousness,
absorbing playful dreams
released thousands of years
ago for our benefit, waves
and ripples of time, crossing
galaxies for our benefit...
evolved and protected in
time cocoons, we traverse
spacetime, overcome gravity,
ageless as the infinity of our
thoughts, knowledge, and
limited understandings...
knowing one day, time will
slow so much we will meet
our own creative beginning.

August 22, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Process

simplicity to complexity
an evolutionary process,
seed to flower
atom to matter
animal to human,
time allows it all
as it created gravity
to slow it down...
we know and then we
evolve and understand,
sharing it with others
we are interested as well.
growing and learning
receiving it all again in
simple terms - when left
alone beget complex ones,
stand back...  watch...  listen...
and be amazed, we have
grown and outgrown, not 
knowing where it will take us
or what we might become.

August 22, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How Gentle Night Is

lines form in mental corridors
full of those waiting for
life rendering turning points,
holding off crowds of injustice
while others skate free into
their own oblivion...
a dancing walrus plays the piano
sings out of tune in karaoke 
but knows the extent of familiarity
between audience and player...
moccasins scurry around the ground
in zigzag curving formations,
we stand on chairs hoping they
do no upward glancing,
escape would be eminent if there
was a convenient route...
lines form at the end of our thoughts
waiting to get inside as bouncers
allow only big tippers through doors
to the other side...
creeper is the night that crawls
through the mind, causing less
than positive actions to manifest
themselves to the concierge.


August 21, 2024


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Cross Currents

dreams fester inside imaginations
wanting to be released...
minds forged in steel have no where
to go but downward...
we breathe in air releasing toxins,
see the world for what it is,
navigating oceans of retributions
wishing for more and more...
we sail alongside mighty ships
whose battle scars leave us wondering,
doubtful of who we really are,
wishing both parents were alive,
mental fatigue blows inward like a
familiar blast of artic cold,
a silent return to the southern side
of our thoughts to enjoy a 
much warmer attitude in play.

August 21, 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

CIty Morning

handful of souls created a nation
a handful of souls can destroy one,
nature cares less about mankind
only their right to survive...
we lean forward in time hoping to
create a positive future from a
failed past...  hoping historians
will be kind to our shortcomings,
an agricultural economy gone
industrial gone technical with
machines doing work while we
play bridge under an umbrella
on patios of billionaires...
a selfish lot we are or have become
worming our way around,
unearthing artifacts buried long ago
in the words of our manuscripts,
creating a life, we knew could never
be lived as we had intended...
unknown is the unknown and its
unintended consequences - we are
modern explorers trying to save a
planet we could care less about.

August 20, 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024

What's Offered

blue skies and grey clouds overhead
mornings unclear and uncertain
duties slept in an extra hour and I
am slower at the get going...
birds sing our praise, leaving cut
grass on the ground for nests,
snakes slither around rotten tree
trunks finding something in common,
cats on the porch, perched for sight
do no chasing today since there
is rain in the forecast as they just
smoothed out their fur after eating...
coiled and recoiled we are
expecting what we always do
hoping for the difference that never
seems to arrive on time anymore.
days pass into weeks that pass into
months eventually fading into years
and our morning become clearer
and clearer the older we become,
it is not for us to wonder or question
why as we once may have done,
but we must accept what is offered
or we will always have nothing.

August 19, 2024

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tipping Turmoil

turmoil tips the scale
an oppressor's advantage,
win at all costs
even when illegal...
deny nothing
admit all,
your fame and fortune
will exponentially
increase as your fame
becomes well known.
turmoil tips the scale
for the loser,
in ways no one can
ever imagine,
truth is no longer sold
to the highest bidder
but bargained for
as a consolation prize
once all the votes
have been counted;
turmoil tips the scale
officially signed out
of the race we are,
turning the page
on politics and all of its
unintended outcomes.

August 17, 2024

Friday, August 23, 2024

Infinity There

beyond imagination lies infinity
a place beyond the stars,
a place beyond the galaxy,
an even beyond the universe,
a place of wonder and amusement,
a place with the not so insane
refuse to go...
inside our imaginations, we dream
we conjecture this and that,
we summon up the courage
long since put to rest...
we think like children again
seeing faces in the clouds
and evil spirits in darkness,
we sleigh dragons and demons
in our universe and hope the aliens
stay home today...
infinity is enjoyable and oh so
very much understandable
as it drops in and out of reality,
we see it clearly or not at all,
we note its limitations and
circumstances as we pursue
our mental episodes...
one day in the not to distant future
we know we will finally go there.

August 16, 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Some of Us

Begin each day with a prayer
or a statement of gratitude,
brought in without permission
we must still be thankful...
look to the heavens for answers
or inside one's own mind,
surely you will find an emptiness
reminiscent of being divine...
bring your trilogy together
heart - mind and soul,
share it with your relatives and
the rest of the world...
give to them what they do not
care to give to us as we are
different than they are
twenty ways from Sunday...
bear your thoughts and feelings
let them see them on display,
be not afraid of one's instincts
leave some for another day.

August 16, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Our Glorious Freedoms

we were there when JFK was assassinated
we were there in the Vietnam war
we were there with protests in the streets
we were there with race riots in the 70s
we were there with racing in the streets
we were there when baseball was king
we were there when Presley took the title
we were there with the break-in at Watergate
we were there with the killing of MLK
we were there with Chevys to the levy
we were there when the Beatles split
we were there when the Berlin Wall came down
we were there when we pounded Iraq into the ground
we were there when they burned our flag in the streets
we were there when the twin towers came down
we were there when Wall Street feel hard
we were there when the street rebounded
we were there when they walked on the moon
we were there when Cher got divorced
we were there when Universities protested Israel
we were there when Hamas killed Jews
we were there when white cops were racists
we were there when a jury convicted Trump
we have been there for it all and more and...
we have never wanted to leave our country behind
we are proud and disappointed with what she had done
we are as forgiving as the Prodigal Son
we have never for anything in return except for her
to never take away our glorious freedoms.

August 16, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


hidden in the mind's castle
are the secrets on which
our lives are built...
down the hallways and
through the corridors
we navigate like captains
of our own vessel...
eager to rise
reluctant to sleep
born on the cusp of the moon
from which we hide;
hidden in the mind's castle
are the rooms and parlors
in which we feast on
the dead carcasses of life,
given to us at birth from
which we draw strength
and eternal determination;
hidden in the mind's castle
are life's tapestries
hanging like mirrors on
virtual walls separating the
facets of life through which
we weave and meander
looking for our solutions.

August 15, 2024

Monday, August 19, 2024


like a visiting stray cat
dawn arrives...
meek and mild,
curled up cute
on the doorstep,
waiting, observing,
not knowing,
like a bad deal making
night arrives...
loud and misleading,
stealing smiles subtly
wishy washy
during the day...
fame and fortunes
delivered in style with
the debtors on the
doorstep waiting...
wishful thinking blends
the two, serving word 
salad as the final meal
the end arrives.

August 15, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Morning Brew

sunshine morning early
cloudy day Tuesday,
rain, sleet, and snow
probably later and we
sleep late in our earlier
state of consciousness,
mornings sooner or later
arrive in lock step...
monsters of the night
die slowly down in the
light of awareness...
awakened and enlightened
we slag and swag through
day, carrying burdens into
the days following, looking
over our shoulders for
sunset showers...  we are
born newly and fashionable
in our coffins of doubts,
hoping the light will offer
another cup of daily brew.

August 14, 2024

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Solstice Change

heat penetrates our thoughts
a lazy attitude created,
humidity's moisture lurks
inside our heads, making
somewhat sluggish...
bug bites swell our skins
protrusions of a kind
lesser than most...
insects linger outside a
tad longer than expected,
we formulate plans to
stay inside until coolness
sends them into hiding;
heat penetrates our thoughts
fusing all ideas together,
solid mass of consciousness
bleeds out sympathies of
an unknown kind as we tend
to retrospect our destinies,
formulating new plans and
new tactics to deal with the
new summer solstice change.

August 12, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

Beside Myself

beside myself I stand
fit and able,
ready to flee if need be,
ready to fight if required,
wound up tight, 
stretched out and capable;
beside myself I stand,
looking at the other me
who seldom appears
except when mentioned
and who can defend
what needs to be;
beside myself I stand
first and foremost
to myself be true,
then others who
call upon me to be there,
right or wrong...
I am here with you baby.

August 11, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Lifespan Review

I sit in tranquil morning colors
pastel reds, blues, and greens,
mesmerized by the day and 
all its pastoral scenes...
I sit in awe of memories
both real and imagined,
wondering if the matrix were
to have offered any other pill
and if my outlook would have
forever been changed by it,
I sit in a forgetful bundle of
my previous actions,
worried that my future will
not corelate and accept
that which I might have done
or roads I could have taken
were it not for the choices
of present and active influences,
I swim inside my mental pool
of thought, fears, and limitations,
cursed by those who believe
in more aggressive means
might have proved helpful over
what was or was not rightfully
accomplished over the brief
lifespan of my erased soul.

August 10, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I am Who I Am

I offer condolences to all those who
were born several years after me,
when the black pot lid rattles on the
stove and soup for dinner is served
once again as we minimize what we
need to survive another day...
I offer warning to those who cannot
warn themselves for fear of rattling
the wrong cage and out in the street
they are put for the rest of the year...
I offer no help to those who will not
help themselves, demanding that
others take care of them today and
for those future days yet to be...
I am not your guardian nor do I
intend to be, not now or ever as the
saying goes will there be popular
demand for you to sell yourself to
the highest bidder for a final coffin
in which your souls will finally rest.

August 9, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Into the Night

into the night my thoughts vanish

daylight saves them not,

into the night my mind trespasses

climbing over the day's detritus,

in the night my heart leaps

my lover is out of control again,

into the night my soul desperately clings

hoping for a little compassion,

into the night, I fling my prayers

as if faith had lost its way,

and into the night I say goodbye

as my instincts all pass away.

August 7, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024


Incorrectly stated are the premises of life
from spiritual to financial to just living,
we exist because we are supposed to exist
nothing more and certainly nothing less,
we justify our rationale to give purpose
to an otherwise purposeless life....
believing there must be more than seen,
hopeful that our conclusions are right,
reality proves otherwise as we try to
alter it truth, spinning our own like
spiders hoping for another meal...
radically bound to our convictions
we suffer their consequences and all
their insinuations reaching out to
the sky for answers and to the faces
in the clouds for explanations...  we
become neutered by our own thoughts
wishing for death to finally take us away.

August 7, 2024

Sunday, August 11, 2024


hide the colors from the crowd
park the troops underground,
the spirit of seventy-six can
never be seen or found...
we are failing
we are declining
we are not our father's town,
liberals and conservatives
spit at each other from
opposite side of the streets,
and those of us in the middle
can only wipe off our faces
in utter disbelief...
bring the ambulance
the doctors too
we have finally been allowed
to escape the old lady's shoe.

August 7, 2024

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Born Again

mornings leave me speechless
another day above ground...
grateful for the breath of life
grateful for the opportunity,
around me I see the restlessness
of those who believe they
deserve more than they have...
expecting others to share their
wealth with them as if a distant
member of the family have become,
tears fall to the ground from all
the stray people who are found
aimlessly wondering around,
looking for a place to crash...
taxes already spent add to the
debt about which we are totally
unaware as our careless attitude
unveils no remorse and no desire
to spin the local news positively.

August 4, 2024

Friday, August 9, 2024

Morning Fog

a loosely formed gentle fog hovering
over the ground like a flying saucer,
obscured vision easily enables near 
sightedness, looking out the windows
of the home in which we find ourselves,
creepy crawlers cradle the ground as
if their lives were dependent upon
their morning actions...  sunshine
closes its eyes trying to extend its
hours of relaxing...  we wonder what
we are wondering about, influenced
by those who are in control, leaving
our tomorrows open for a morning
when the fog is no longer nearby.

August 4, 2024

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Within Ourselves

we walk along the sidewalks
of our thoughts and of our
imaginations...  cradled in the
arms of our fantasies...
a psychological mother
we have temporarily become,
desperately we re-align
motives and opportunities,
relishing the past,
afraid of the future and
hiding from what is today,
power washing our mental
concrete walkways, we 
stumble over hoses, falling
on our fears, bruising the
integrity we had no idea
was buried deep inside us.

August 2, 2024 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Colors of Life

we see ourselves in graphic colors
of reds, yellows, and blues...
black and white is passe, except
for racial determination and
who influences public opinion,
muted colors of blacks and grey
cloud our judgement as pastels
signify gender freedoms, unsafely
imposed on those who object...
greens and brown of the forest
highlight our robin hood mentality
as the wealthy rob from the poor
leaving them with products
not needed or those no longer
lasting as they used to...
reds and blues denote our mentality,
our honesty and what we desire
to be conveyed to others that
in no way resembles the truth,
we are bound by the colors
forever and a day, until replaced
by total darkness and into the earth
we go from which we came.

August2, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Land of HATE

hatred in this country is tremendous
it is alive and firecracker hot
it is not biased or discriminating
and not related to age, sex, or gender
it is all inclusive and more
racial hate,
law enforcement hate,
jewish hate,
conservative hate,
liberal hate,
gender hate,
and political hate...
crossing over all locations 
from east to west 
north to south
respecting no one...
we even have citizens hating citizens
their offsprings and relatives,
much more than hatfields and mccoys,
it is deeply embedded into 
all aspects of society...
taught in schools, churches and places
where no one wants to go...
we have given way to savages
some who carry guns and others who
use the word of jesus to justify
what they have done...
we have no soul, not ethics and
certainly honor or loyalty
except to others who hate like us
burning flags show our disgust.

July 30, 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Storm

upturned leaves wave in the breeze
thunder from a distance heard.
darkened skies, vanished sun
the makings of a storm make...
windows closed...
latched and bolted...
nicknacks of the rails taken,
white light flashes
several times over but no
subsequent sound heard...
rain droplets hit the windows hard
like it was hail instead...
cloudy vision and fog appear,
not knowing which direction to take,
no umbrellas needed with the
strong wind as it is...
inside is best for all of us until
all hell passes over our heads.

July 30, 2024

Sunday, August 4, 2024


on the side of nothing
comes the pain,
harbingers of life's
root of evil, cast down
like pebbles in a brook,
laying on the bottom,
easy to see, complete
clarity of action...
closed jaw hammering
down and out but
in and out as well,
denouncing the future
over the past when our
present is uncertain...
actions taken nullify the
anguish of the hurt,
its impact on the soul
and the fear that it will
never stop for us again.

July 29, 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Satin Days

days fall short of expectations
death at the door knocking
life yells louder each day...
fools sit on barstools drinking ale
women dance in circles on streets,
time continues on it own as it
has done since forever...
we see darkness next to light
light net to endlessness,
we need what we need - no more,
tears roll down the cheeks of the dead
when clowns lead the procession,
do this - do that - do nothing
casts doubts over circumstance,
lessons left behind on the mountain
fish left behind in the sea,
men will be always thankful
for the curtains in hospital rooms.

July 27, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024


summer mornings arrive early
sun through the window streams
like a show on cable or a live
performance on a boardwalk,
money exchanges hands as if
sand through a funnel as we
embrace the side of the mattress
that has fewer wrinkles...  pillows
on the floor kicked off by a
restless night, wondering when
the sunshine would come again;
dreams follow consciousness
genius is only a heartbeat away
from ordinary...  Lincoln freed
all our thoughts from anxieties
while some are never aware
that it snows in the winter...
we are the last survivors of the
day forged in recreation - given
a pledge that tomorrow will be
somewhat better than yesterday.

July 27, 2024

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Testing One Two Three

open the door to freedom
cease all open-door wars,
fighting does nothing for
the dignity of man other
than kill off it young...
strive for cooperation even
when the opposition says
they want no part of it,
listen to the hears of mothers
for they are the ones who
gave us life and nurtured
us into a brief awareness of
life and what it might be
like is society was pain free;
remember the flag and the
struggling artist and the old
neighbor who participated
in world war two - and who
never was the same when
he returned home to a
changed society - not at all
please with his point of view;
live the life we were taught
to live, forget the one that
we want to live and destroy
the one that we cannot live,
since its represents possibilities.

July 26, 2024