Friday, August 30, 2024

Time Cocoons

anchored in our minds are
the ships of knowledge,
intelligence vessels that
bring us closer to truth...
truth bring us closer to
reality...  reality brings us
closer to awareness...
awareness tells the story
allowing us to believe or
not believe perceptions,..
from these vessels we
dive into thoughtless oceans
where we bathe in the waters
of cosmic consciousness,
absorbing playful dreams
released thousands of years
ago for our benefit, waves
and ripples of time, crossing
galaxies for our benefit...
evolved and protected in
time cocoons, we traverse
spacetime, overcome gravity,
ageless as the infinity of our
thoughts, knowledge, and
limited understandings...
knowing one day, time will
slow so much we will meet
our own creative beginning.

August 22, 2024

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