Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I am Who I Am

I offer condolences to all those who
were born several years after me,
when the black pot lid rattles on the
stove and soup for dinner is served
once again as we minimize what we
need to survive another day...
I offer warning to those who cannot
warn themselves for fear of rattling
the wrong cage and out in the street
they are put for the rest of the year...
I offer no help to those who will not
help themselves, demanding that
others take care of them today and
for those future days yet to be...
I am not your guardian nor do I
intend to be, not now or ever as the
saying goes will there be popular
demand for you to sell yourself to
the highest bidder for a final coffin
in which your souls will finally rest.

August 9, 2024

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