Thursday, August 1, 2024

Testing One Two Three

open the door to freedom
cease all open-door wars,
fighting does nothing for
the dignity of man other
than kill off it young...
strive for cooperation even
when the opposition says
they want no part of it,
listen to the hears of mothers
for they are the ones who
gave us life and nurtured
us into a brief awareness of
life and what it might be
like is society was pain free;
remember the flag and the
struggling artist and the old
neighbor who participated
in world war two - and who
never was the same when
he returned home to a
changed society - not at all
please with his point of view;
live the life we were taught
to live, forget the one that
we want to live and destroy
the one that we cannot live,
since its represents possibilities.

July 26, 2024

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