Sunday, August 25, 2024

What's Offered

blue skies and grey clouds overhead
mornings unclear and uncertain
duties slept in an extra hour and I
am slower at the get going...
birds sing our praise, leaving cut
grass on the ground for nests,
snakes slither around rotten tree
trunks finding something in common,
cats on the porch, perched for sight
do no chasing today since there
is rain in the forecast as they just
smoothed out their fur after eating...
coiled and recoiled we are
expecting what we always do
hoping for the difference that never
seems to arrive on time anymore.
days pass into weeks that pass into
months eventually fading into years
and our morning become clearer
and clearer the older we become,
it is not for us to wonder or question
why as we once may have done,
but we must accept what is offered
or we will always have nothing.

August 19, 2024

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