Monday, August 26, 2024

CIty Morning

handful of souls created a nation
a handful of souls can destroy one,
nature cares less about mankind
only their right to survive...
we lean forward in time hoping to
create a positive future from a
failed past...  hoping historians
will be kind to our shortcomings,
an agricultural economy gone
industrial gone technical with
machines doing work while we
play bridge under an umbrella
on patios of billionaires...
a selfish lot we are or have become
worming our way around,
unearthing artifacts buried long ago
in the words of our manuscripts,
creating a life, we knew could never
be lived as we had intended...
unknown is the unknown and its
unintended consequences - we are
modern explorers trying to save a
planet we could care less about.

August 20, 2024

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