Saturday, August 31, 2024

Illusive Fuzziness

my face pressed firmly against the window
I look into the inner workings of my mind.
it is a wondrously large room as endless as
my imagination...  the room is divided by
a multitude of walls, some short, some tall.
some wide and some thin with each wall
displaying all the pages ever written...
there are paining in my room, hanging
from the ceiling or another wall and a
few mounted on pedestals coming out
of the watery floor that flows around
like the tributaries and canals of Venice,
memories roll down Sisyphus mountains
and there are no stones nearby... poems
are broadcasted from corner speakers
all at the same time - a nerve racking
experience if you found yourself inside,
reason and logic are printed on tapestries
floating around offering magic carpet rides
while words from a recent eulogy are on
a constant feedback loop...  fantasies are
woven into the fabric of time since it 
has left space outside...  holographic 
images of my past and future meander
around like Eden serpents luring me into
different directions making sure that what
lies ahead is illusive fuzziness...  lines of
aging form on the glass illuminating the
wrinkles that, like slugs, have attached...
momentarily my thoughts have abandoned
like the soldiers at the end of the Civil War
and I am left with hollowness inside as if
my being has started its final rejuvenation.

August 23, 2024

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