Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Colors of Life

we see ourselves in graphic colors
of reds, yellows, and blues...
black and white is passe, except
for racial determination and
who influences public opinion,
muted colors of blacks and grey
cloud our judgement as pastels
signify gender freedoms, unsafely
imposed on those who object...
greens and brown of the forest
highlight our robin hood mentality
as the wealthy rob from the poor
leaving them with products
not needed or those no longer
lasting as they used to...
reds and blues denote our mentality,
our honesty and what we desire
to be conveyed to others that
in no way resembles the truth,
we are bound by the colors
forever and a day, until replaced
by total darkness and into the earth
we go from which we came.

August2, 2024

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