Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Our Glorious Freedoms

we were there when JFK was assassinated
we were there in the Vietnam war
we were there with protests in the streets
we were there with race riots in the 70s
we were there with racing in the streets
we were there when baseball was king
we were there when Presley took the title
we were there with the break-in at Watergate
we were there with the killing of MLK
we were there with Chevys to the levy
we were there when the Beatles split
we were there when the Berlin Wall came down
we were there when we pounded Iraq into the ground
we were there when they burned our flag in the streets
we were there when the twin towers came down
we were there when Wall Street feel hard
we were there when the street rebounded
we were there when they walked on the moon
we were there when Cher got divorced
we were there when Universities protested Israel
we were there when Hamas killed Jews
we were there when white cops were racists
we were there when a jury convicted Trump
we have been there for it all and more and...
we have never wanted to leave our country behind
we are proud and disappointed with what she had done
we are as forgiving as the Prodigal Son
we have never for anything in return except for her
to never take away our glorious freedoms.

August 16, 2024

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