Thursday, August 15, 2024

Lifespan Review

I sit in tranquil morning colors
pastel reds, blues, and greens,
mesmerized by the day and 
all its pastoral scenes...
I sit in awe of memories
both real and imagined,
wondering if the matrix were
to have offered any other pill
and if my outlook would have
forever been changed by it,
I sit in a forgetful bundle of
my previous actions,
worried that my future will
not corelate and accept
that which I might have done
or roads I could have taken
were it not for the choices
of present and active influences,
I swim inside my mental pool
of thought, fears, and limitations,
cursed by those who believe
in more aggressive means
might have proved helpful over
what was or was not rightfully
accomplished over the brief
lifespan of my erased soul.

August 10, 2024

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