Monday, December 21, 2020

Biased Perspectives

set the table or wash the dirty dishes
were the choices we had at dinnertime
and sometimes we were blessed that
our parents made the choice for us;
our children were raised differently
their children even more different
until the values of the past have
all but disappeared except for the
narration in some books of fiction
or even non-fiction I suppose...
each generation changes a little
in how children are raised and in
their obligations and expectations
and what they may or may not
learn in our antiquated public schools;
but, on issue is for certain and it is
employment about which I speak,
having remained the same for years
since bosses are bosses and owners
want what they want when wanted,
the worker simply obeys or leaves,
and in so doing, our economic growth
has been assured for many years,
and has very little to do with all
the ideologies of high school and 
the histories we were told once ours
are now a distant memory, replaced
by a more current version of truth
that keeps us on our toes at night
and requires little to understand as
those who win write the stories in
the way they want to read, leaving
out what's not pertinent to their
illiterate and biased perspectives.

8 November 2020

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