Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Raccoon Valley Road

It was the first Monday in May as I recall
or perhaps April as I did not remember well,
when I strolled not so leisurely through
the heavily wooded area beside our home,
it was a place visited often by my friends and me
to dwell among and within the level of nature
where as innocent lads we spent much of our time
when not learning something in public school
the nature of which although I was bound to forget;
we frolicked and played most of the day and
dug out caves in the ground over top of which
we built our fortresses of imagination and fortitude
that one day we would do battle with a foe
remembering well out times on Raccoon Valley Road
sitting around campfires, cooking fried eggs
drinking water from home out of aluminum canteens
fighting off outlaws with cap guns rifles that
were Christmas gifts a few months before...
wondering how did they know what we'd be playing
in those wooded areas beside our homes; and...
journey back into these woods this day
I have no doubt what I will find unless some other lads
decided to tear down what we had built and
construct their own fortresses of solitude...
hiding squirrels and rabbits I easily see as
stoically silent they hesitate their movements until I pass
with all my crunching sounds stepping on fallen wood,
the sounds of birds chirping in the distance attract my ears
and I halt myself wondering where they be in
relationship to where I am most currently not where
I've been or might have been had I taken another path;
and the memories that are confronting me
do not come pouring in like flood waters over a dam
but curiously silent they have abandoned me as if
this wooded valley held no memories of mine at all
but rather than wondering why, I journey on
in the hopes that glory will this day finally be found
in this heavily wooded area of Raccoon Valley Road.

3 November 2020

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