Saturday, December 19, 2020

Faces of Change

censorship is the root of all evil some journalists might say

while others believe the roots are derived from the wealthy,

but in every society we have had the wealthy and lies and

as the leading society crashes there are others that survive;

in all these centuries of dealing with society and culture

it has been discovered the only way to gain longevity is by

lying to the public or keeping them from knowledge that

if they knew and understood would cause them to revolt;

we can control through power --

we can control through wealth --

we can control military action --

we can control through fear and intimidation --

telling lies to the public is like being in a court of law

a lie can become truth once it is believed or proved

and that is all that seems to matter, especially to politicians

who care more about re-election than what's good for the country;

it is the progresses of technology that provides us with a better life

and that has control of our privacy and secrets that

may lead to uncertainty and speculation

and cause the downfall of a nation

if it were not for the power and control issued on that change

as it is guided and quite possibly redirected;

we live in tunnels of doubt and silos of ignorance

that are sometimes called our cities and our towns,

each one has it own destiny and each its own society

but it always responds to the whole because of what its told

and in so doing, change becomes our new reality and

the faces of that change are buried in coffins when they die.

7 November 2020

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