Sunday, December 6, 2020

Mood Whispers

my mood whispers its intent over coffee
as down the path of memories I walk
reflecting over decisions made and those
that were left behind for another day;
my mood relaxes its intent with each cup
as the day whither and pass like fall leaves
that fall to the ground after serving purpose
and are raked up by those needing exercise;
my mood tumbles and turns, rolling this
way and that way to avoid discussions,
knowing that the time will come where
it will confront its previous moods;
my mood has no retaliatory defense as
rules my subconscious memories and
dredges up those with which it is most
conflicted and in need of replacement;
my mood generates my attitudes and
attitudes inflate my personalities and
my personalities impacts my actions 
that so often cause me mental anguish;
my mood abandons its resolve and I
am left with foster ideas and fancies
that attract my conscious attention and
I react as I had had no coffee at all.

3 November 2020

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