Friday, December 18, 2020

In the Absence of Truth

it was once believed  truth more important than faith
or so I have been told but no more do we rant and rave,
about what we lost or what we gained
just self-suffering thoughts do we claim
as we turn from beggars to fools
and thus do we proclaim our innocence
rather than wisdom or intelligence;
we turn over our debts to the wealthy
letting the stupid ones fight our wars
while we torch, burn, and loot our cities
since they belong to we the people as well
and in the course of our observation
we learn more than previously allowed
so to the misfit bar and grill we shall go
share our revelations with a biased press
earning more than salvation from their requests
while laboring on someone else's dime
the truth is inherent in spending our time;
miraculous as it may seem to you and them
we are no longer children of your harvest
nor do we proclaim our innocence as its
rests upon faulty premises of your principles;
we have turned the corner of our independence
and freed ourselves from the misdeeds of our fathers
and if there be reparation we will take them
but never shall we surrender to the Caucasian
and what is owned today will be ours tomorrow.

7 November 2020

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