Saturday, June 13, 2020

A Baker's Dozen From 1988 - Page 13

the end came to soon
much too soon
we weren't sure who
was involved
but when we awoke
the snow was gone.
January 1988

out from my window the world I see
its landscape peppered with motorcars
and telephone wires and power cables;
out from my window I see her children
inhabitants who must live within the
filth that they have reluctantly created;
our from my window I see her polluted
waters and the monuments erected as 
tribute to her growing commerce;
outside my window the world I see
and easily understand why she cries.
January 1988

I saw her the other day and
knew she had forgotten me;
we didn't speak in passing
like wind blowing through
the branches of a tree;
my silent memory remains
intact and somewhat tarnished.
January 1988

I fathered two illegitimate thoughts
a few days past and spoke with 
the fiery temper of a drunken Irishman
that have returned to haunt me today.
January 1988 

you lived a careless life
exposing yourself to the
pleasures of what you
thought you would enjoy.
January 1988

once we were joined
no man could put asunder
but a woman could.
January 1988

I wanted to know what was
right and what was wrong;
it seems we do what we want
to do not what we should do
and all seem to follow here.
January 1988

I was available
to be
with you
could not give
you a
definite answer.
January 1988

like a fish on a line
I brought you in,
like a fish in a pan
I cooked you with love,
and like all food consumed
I passed you from my body
and out of my life.
January 1988

I have loved many women
thinking each was the one
until another came along.
January 1988

all I ask is a few minutes each day
a few minutes to play with my thoughts
and put something down on paper,
this I do for you, a diary if you will,
masking what cannot be shown,
a private gallery of words that I can
only admire as I continue to grow old.
January 1988

a day in my life passes
me by quickly like a
summer rain and stirs
things up as it gets hotter...
a day in my life is
really not much to see.
January 1988

it was later than I realized
and my mind was spinning
like a frozen pinwheel on a
comfortably cold winter day;
I grabbed my thoughts,put 
them on like winter gloves,
darted outside, lake for an
appointment with the snow.
January 1988

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