Sunday, June 28, 2020

Myrtle Beach June 2020 Series continued -2-

behind a protective coating, my
right eye weeps as it peers out
at the sun's reflection off the
murky water in front that transforms
into shades of white as the waves
crash onto the sand, digging our
holes underneath the feet of the
people who are standing there;
a well groomed dog sits under a
towel draped over the back of its
master's chair until it decides to
dig out a trench in which it lays with
open snout and outstretched tongue
patiently waiting to be taken into water;
scores of people walk and talk as they
cross the path of my weeping eye
whose clarity has faded over the years
but not bad enough to be corrected, still,
what is seen is not always understood
and oftentimes misunderstood as
personality and experience cloud
and obscure interpretations of realities;
vantage points change as do locations
and the weeping eye peers off into
a different direction as shading needs change
from a gradual rotating sun that moves
in and out-of-clouds with constant regularity;
a southwesterly current cools the breeze
that blows around us and the moisture
collected at our base momentarily soothes
the heated passions that have been growing
while under the umbrella we have remained;
time seems to have stopped or at least slowed down
\but continues all the same as it always does,
reminding us of our lack of immortality
and that each day is a precious gift to be
embraced and enjoyed as it quickly passes;
spots of color holding packages move in the sky
pulled by boats on the surface of the water
moving slower than they appear to be and
my weeping eye acknowledges their presence;
smelled rain is in the air, even tasted but
delayed in its appearance and the wind
blows it more off course and once again
nature allows us more opportunities today.

July 23, 2020

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