Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Five At A Time - 1985 - K

dwelling upon predictable responses
living your yesterday's tomorrows
imagining our roles reversed and
you becoming love's victim with each
circumstance a struggle of completeness;
wondering in casual glances
fearing a stranger's caring.

August 2, 1985

we walk and talk becoming
partners with the ocean;
seagulls rearrange their flight
in graceful movements;
the sun peaks out from behind
the dark horizon sparkling
its own new awakening.

July 23, 1985

images of faded youth
shine like distant stars
desert sands slip through the hourglass
and we scramble to recapture
its glow with memories tainted
by what  we want to see;
our biennial regrouping briefly
suspend what we are digressing into
what we were or what we think we were;
accept it all...
contempt for our found reality
softly fades...
scrapbook artifacts leaves us
saddened with its shortness.

July 22, 1985

we offer fragments of our lives
to the highest bidder, keeping
for ourselves only the pretense
of someone else's dream;
we are the inner illusions of our
guardian's idiosyncrasies
perpetuating their outrage as our
self-indulgence dovetails into a
redirecting zeal of counter influence;
we are the stepchildren of our own fears,
as missed opportunities for some
become the "luck-of-the-draw,"
for  others, and we can see our 
fortunes off in the distance horizons,
their cocoon holds no golden butterfly,
but our future is predetermined
and we learn to blame ourselves.

June 28, 1985

standing within arm's reach
our eyes say nothing of the 
desire they receive and we 
face each other in silence;
our bodies touch and gradually
press together...  a perfect fit;
we hear nothing but out own
breathing and we feel nothing
but our own touch as we
become the physical extension
of our partner and quietly in
an obscure corner of our
private thoughts, we share
the intimacy of our love.

May 2, 1985

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