Sunday, June 14, 2020

Five At A Time - 1985 - A


infants cry in their rooms
and with a resolution
safely tucked away in
our briefcase, we follow
the pattern...  a natural course,
as the headmaster bends the
rule that establishes order.

December 30, 1985

only one of us can become
what the other is not,
can achieve what the other cannot,
can renounce what one has foretold
and accept all that is golden,
save the rule
save our soul
save our ship of fools
only one can live from the duel.

December 31, 1985

make believe toys play with
all the lonely children whose
lives have become another habit
yet altogether different for
the make believe adults and
the court's decision stands
fast without prejudice or malice
and the children live in make
believe worlds with weekend
parents and make believe toys.

December 31, 1985

our fears pronounce a usefulness
contracting in its silly manner
an effortless intent quite fragile,
desperate action and mistake made often
we relish the attempt a face-to-face
confrontation spoken with gestures,
a silent departure mixed into emotional
highs faintly remind... faintly encourage...

December 30, 1985


an early frost melts into the day and
dawn with its horizon, rises slowly;
ponds reflect the immigrant willows
weeping beside lonely cattails;
caretakers who once farmed this land,
sit in silence, humbled by the changes;
birds feed off the ground as clouds
announce an upcoming snowfall;
the sun warms less than it use to,
clothes smell of moth balls and smoke,
cinnamon cider cooks on the stove,
moisture freezes on its way down the window glass;
spring seems so far away, like a distant
train from the world's other side delayed.

December 27, 1985

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