Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Five At A Time - 1985 - C

among our season's muted colors
dull and drab
a lifeless form emerges

converges on the barren soil
a wasteland of a once beautiful garden
a shire built for two
a foundation of compassion held the
truth in a wrinkle free state of suspension
a barrier ever so thinly stretched
covered us so securely that everything
accept our own future was out of reach.

November 26, 1985

betrayed by allowing love
to be given to another,
a physical dependence 
is worse but worse than what?
save by an attitude of love
that was taken away,
feelings that were altered
on an internal course,
not given away but protected,
hidden away as buried treasure
without a pirate's clue
emotions that were suppressed
before they blossomed
than why plant a seed?
a tree that grows without a bloom, 
without leaves
without a reason...
what was there to admire
to nurture
to restrain for...
is love shared for more than one
if it is returned by all?
suppose a complete happiness prevailed
could there have been love
for another...  answered or...
we all into different pits are swallowed
disobedience, one always more 
devastating yet both are wrong;
if we earn back what was lost
can we never be taken for granted,
never withdraw,
never shelve our feelings\
in some distant closet?
a combination lock that we
hesitate to put to memory,
\a fortune lost at sea,
a Viking burial without fanfare;
can we learn to like each other
with all our failures and weaknesses?
reclaim the innocence of our love?
can we accept each other's pain?
to deal with the serpent and
overcome its mystical agony;
its blessed destructive influence
and reach the buoy
the counterbalance
the sheltered home built by our
interwoven minds that might just
reclaim each other's faith.

November 25, 1985

two women share their 
love with one man,
one lover
a friend
a job whose end
wraps up a decade
of lost confidence
reflected in a struggle
towards and within
the governing rules
and the end of things,
of work
of love
of marriage
fashioned after one
end of a meal, a
desert reward final,
a rebuilding of
announcing a forced love
forced feelings
forced surrender
acceptance and a
reclaimed love,
suppressed feelings
controlled by their conclusion,
a concluding influence
form fitting feelings
wear thin
as our sifts and drifts
blend their way along
the edge of one's 
imagination and a
false conclusion
a final episode
from which we
scribble thoughts in
random-tandem connections.

November 22, 1985

sensuality seeps deeps
into the softened distance
of a sunless rainy day;
alluring imprints
non washable
coded by and for
only one pulsating
message to remain
at bay forever.

November 21, 1985

tasting the pain in each other's tears,
we cried our goodbyes and kissed a
soon to be memory
a sublime surrender when
our decade splits in half;
one top you ride
attached to me
our bodies move as one
further and deeper
our tongues intrude
then pressure locks them in;
we lay beside our fate
a tempting hot seduction
a passion out of control;


"But please just this once."

"I can't...  I love you so."

"Then let me feel what it is like."

"I want to...  but, I can't."

we're hot...
on fire...
too blind to stop...
from this where do we go?
your fingers trace my fantasies
your body holds my love and
I gaze into sad eyes
so beautiful
for the last time.

November 20, 1985

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