some believed perdetermined with choice
others believed only negative choices
other believed both good and bad choices
I believe all choices were unanimous.
in the parking lot we
discussed options and
what one is willing to
trade in order that one
can remain employed.
slow motion they work
disregarding what/s to be
only what will be.
never again will the
same thought occupy
its orig9inal space.
I have learned to control
those forces who seek me out
to predict what will be said,
I have imagined their
lessening of control
witnessing it being so.
it was a poor attempt
but the couple expressed
their brand of friendship,
upsetting the children
boos and hisses from the adults.
she was in command
in control...
take charge... and those
around left her alone.
it has been a good five years
or more that I began
to write my feelings on paper,
out of those thousands of ideas
perhaps a hundred
or so are worth the
paper on which they are written.
memories no longer linger
fall though my mind
like flour through a sifter.
we were like watching a full length
motion picture whose sotry is
remembered but whose details are unclear.