Monday, July 12, 2021

March 1989 - page 1

the smell was less than pleasant
as she lay down beside him,
a digestive disorder, he claimed.
She took it personally, but he
wanted no others except her,
he slept downstairs and in
the morning there was something
hot to drink which cleaned him out.

it was a white relief of snow
that kept them apart,
and brought us together,
it was something we would
need to look at in detail,
meanwhile, a moon was
above our personalities
and the weekend lay ahead.

she was too careful
our good faith tour had more
closing than concerts.

I don't remember it hurting this bad
each time was different and new,
an experience not duplicated or 
shared with anyone else...   I don't
remember love being that romantic.

images of happiness
were not part of his youth
nor were they a part
of my adult life...  I am
not worthy of life.

were I to make a commitment
it would be for something
no so unpleasant as you.

a grass blade cut my
finger as I ran it down
the side without pain.

you are always with me
with my limitations
my boundaries to explore
what night would give me
the right amount and I dare
say you've worked it out.

there can be no history without war
there can be no future without death
there can be no ethics with winning
there can be no morals with success
there is no right or wrong with justice 
or truth...  there is only the law,
life is for living and dead is dead,
we absorb what we can leaving the
rest for others to pick and choose.

she is universally for all females
she is mother earth providing
she is a goddess a Madonna
she is frequently used
she is tolerant and forgiving
she is a love that does not forget
she is a protagonist
she is unique and relentless
she is all beauty and all things
she is life and death and resurrection
she knows all that is knowable
she serves and is our master
she mirrors our growth
she is us...

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