Friday, July 30, 2021

June 1989 - page 4

wednesday arrived
quite unexpectedly
surprising even
the most patient
of individuals who
only liked Mondays.

there was a deliberate change
in attitude as they adjusted
their mentality for the weekend.

the format changes with each
change in direction that is
prompted by a change in seats.

how familiar do we become
\with each other before we can
learn how much to take?

a fable came my way about a man who
called for help when not needed and
reminded me of how we have reached
out for each other when not needed,
two insects feeding off of one another
but never really needing each other.

the money was counted by a button
on which was a picture of the purchaser
and if the button were to be damaged
no money by the clerk could be determined.

she heard his voice and
did not turn back to look,
she felt his breath and
tried to act natural,
she knew he had left and
was flirting with another.

it was uncomfortable being
here but not impossible,
it was encouraging not
to have many around and
it was foolish to be this
way but it was comfortable.

there were many of us who were
confused by the morning baricades
overcoming them for more coffee.

she was with me
wanting to be alone
wanting to be safe
with what I offered.

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