Tuesday, July 27, 2021

June 1989 - page 1

on saturday they begin early so
not much of the day will be mine,
then monday is the day for rest
since Sunday is done the same way.

clouds overhead block our view
streams flow underground
animals always feeding
it is a habitat now
too uncivilized.

I can for a proper education
not one that won't learn me anything,
one I cannot use...  it is not
the book knowledge that I crave.

heat runs parallel
to our feelings and
the way we now
must try to get along.

it was a purpose she lacked
finding it not in college but
with her own desires...  and
observations...  some things
would just not work for her.

saturdays are bad enough and
worse when mixed with holidays,
intruding upon my silence and
the public use of it be damned.

heat filled the void
inflating our egos
puffing our self-confidence
with more of what
can never be used...
heat fill our spirits
giving us purpose
giving us pause
to reconsider our options
before the cold returned.

volatile feeling
enrich our lives daily as
we refurbish them.

spending money is
given as a way to cleanse
us from not borrowing.

poetry and math
superimpose themselves on
the routines of life.

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