Thursday, July 8, 2021

February 1989 - page 2

remorse was in the air
the air was thick with fog
the fog was like pea soup
and still could not apologize.

it was a different kin of
a day...  today was... with
everyone in uniform and
anxious to start the week.

it one want an "A" one must 
sit on the front row and if 
there was not enough seats,
then not all of you will
receive the high grade...
life begins differently for
all of us but we all must
play the same game rules.

it was a time for family
and damage control
and if it were results we
sought we were better off.

"they ain't got none," 
the little girl said
returning proudly with 
what she had retrieved,
her grammar was not
correct and no one 
understood that eventually
someone would pay to
retrain that future worker.

my imagination plays out
every evening in my dreams
as I long for things I'll never have,
and knowing this paradox, still
feel rested every morning.

she was different
some said like a hooker while
some thought too friendly,

she was not to be had by anyone
and it was no one who would
eventually have her...   she had
no time for anything while looking.

they come to me for knowledge
I fill their heads with bullshit
and they thank me for it all.

we interfered with our lives
even on the surface
pushing and pulling our wills
not really wanting what we wanted
after it was gotten...  an outlaw
to the family and friends
need not apply for friendship,
we are broken promises
missed opportunities
unfulfilled dreams and
unfaithful to those we care for,
it is something we cannot
start over and if there is a
message...  it is one of acceptance
and one of a little forgiveness.

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