Sunday, May 9, 2021



May 2, 2021

Sunday Solicitations
no longer calm the waters are
fishers gather at the edge
northern winds blow chilly
currents force swimmers outside
boats bounce with controlled rhythms
leave parallel wakes behind...
seagulls pushed off course
fly where the breeze takes them,
tourists huddled together amid
the surge of inclement weather,
aimlessly, children wander
attempting to find something to do,
empty chairs sit under open umbrellas
thankful fore the lack of occupants
taking advantage of the respite
to get to know their silent neighbors,
puffed pastries ferment inside the stomachs
of all those overfed vacationers hoping
to walk themselves thinner by
the end of their rental arrangement,
tiered excitement races along the sand
like crabs escaping the rising sun,
returning to the waters of isolation and
to the only security they've ever known.

Just Passing
only the seagulls have
jurisdiction here,
where sand and waters meet
along the coastline
of some strange land
stretching out as far
as one's eyes can see;
restless waters foam
at the points of impact
creating new formations
on the virgin soil
where sailors ventured
in earlier years and
claimed victory over water;
sharks and serpents
now roam freely
up and down the coast
feeding off less fortunate
species who do not
have the same commitments
nor the instincts to survive;
shivering birds poke the sand
in a maddening search
for nourishment until
it is time to sleep.

Sky-less Greys
grey skies overhead,
sounds from the sea
just beyond the dunes,
a steady breeze
blows northwest as it
controls flights of birds;
unseen screams
cascade through the air,
children playing
parents patrolling
as raindrops fall
then disappear,
only to reappear and
disappear again and
again without warning;
towels hang over balconies
forbidden by the rules
as owners remain hidden
and views expressed
fall silent and swept
of the door with
all the morning's sand
for the next renter.

Rusty Weather
rust drops down the sides
of baseboards stained
with aged appearances
brought about by climates
and those who temporarily
liver inside the outer shells
notice not the complaint
nor would they care
if only they knew...
only if it functions with
anticipated expectations and
a valid return on investment;
identical clones surround
the sandy ground as tenants
have careless thoughts of
unknown neighbors beside,
and why would they...
except to say a morning
"howdy do..."
a moving horizon is
barely seen over the dunes
that form barriers against
the winter's weather when
waves increase their energies
and properties once alive
become abandoned risks
due to all the flawless rust.

a herd mentality provides
us with protection in
the calmness of the night
while daylight delivers
constant companionship to
those who disagree with
common sense applications;
status reports due daily
diminish the need for
structured compliance
and boards of refusal
reclaim the lost territories
of the wicked who fished the
sacred waters of redemption;
nature negotiates its
own borders with life
as terminal patients
barter with their afterlife
for a few more minutes
before entering chaos...
and those with more
than they need make
pleas with the devil to
keep from giving too much
food for the disadvantaged.

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