Sunday, May 16, 2021

September 1988 - page 1

it was the mannerisms I could not forget
they were there in everyone I saw and
talked with...  it was the smile and the
lost innocent look and the eyes shared
all of her experiences...  it was the
mannerism I could not seem to loose,
it was a sound memory, one that would
lost because I did not belong...   as it
should have been and the forever
seems a little too long to remember.

we brought wisdom with us and
it only made the situation worse,
we wanted the truth to forecast our future
and we received the law instead, granting
our visions but not our heart's passage,
quiet and cold the evening breaks
into the day and we are prevented
from the rest we were still desiring.

his fate was sealed years ago
when it was her destiny that
their paths should meet...
little did she know the impact
it would have on her life
not now but years later as she
reflected upon her life in the
hopes of guiding her children.

he led his men as a properly trained military man
a man from the Point...  they responded out of
loyalty and respect for his age...  a boy of fifteen
with the scars of battle few will ever see...
no religious war this was he fought and there
was no question of right or wrong...  good or evil,
but of a loser's pride...  to go out in anger with
those who brought him in and with those who
would not let him out and with those who would
not give him a chance...  his only friends they were.

she did not see my
eyes staring at her
wanting her her to
only be with me.

her lovely breasts rose
with his touch and with 
his kiss she could not stop.

the light shines brightly
more than ever before
this night but has never
shown that bright since.

they loved each other
but were afraid to show
or even say it to anyone.

concentration play an
important role in this
new way to see you.

we rehearsed our lines
without incident and you
won't accept it as it is.

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