Sunday, May 23, 2021

September 1988 - page 2

she was but a summer girl
a summer romance
to fill in the time and space,
she caught on quickly
becoming a contender for the throne,
she was a special person who had
earned the right for respect
received that which she deserved.

the rains fall upon the ground steadily
and with each thump...  I feel her
cry out in pain...  for the torture
we have given and her revenge be
none too savage for the crime.

for ourselves we live
the world was made of plastic
in debt forever.

her kisses softly 
trace the outlines of my youth,
I reciprocate.

she dies quietly
our summer month of august
and nothing remains.

the heat plays tricks with our minds and
we see tears when it should be rain...
we see blood when it should be wine,
we feel pain when it should be pleasure
and we see evil when it should be good,
the heart plays tricks with our souls
and we always do the devil's bidding.

laughter hides our fear
and we learn to ridicule
all things in our sight.

walls of stone were made
to hide our fornications,
lovers need not lust.

this ends our labor
a day we can feel rested
and begins our fear.

a man and his lover quarrel
she has been with another while
he had been with his wife,
both are accusing unfaithfulness
both feel betrayed...  she can find 
it anytime - all he has is her,
she senses his needs
toying with his attention but
misunderstand his pride,
one day he is gone - she cannot
 remember why they fought.

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