Thursday, May 20, 2021

June 1988 - page 2

she believed that I cared
but would not continue,
she saw herself as the only
one upon which to fall,
she would not leave
herself unprotected ever.

we transfer the control of our feelings
over to another, expecting them to
keep us at least as content as we
were when we were on our own.

age brings with it complications
that youth is not experienced
enough to be able to see clearly.

they were being measured on
the time it took to fill orders
so they used the coffee set
aside for customer refills.

how long must we wait?
each service has a different
urgency and a rather
different level of importance.

could she find her way without my help?
would she ever want to?
and...  after I was gone, what then?
would she want o keep on searching?
did I know enough to give her self respect?
there were common causes between us.

I was twenty eight when I drifted
into another sea...  losing a chunk
of my self-esteem in the murky water,
something died inside and was
never buried...  and, my ship not quite
sunk with all its numerous holes,
floating on will power, fighting the
will that was inside me to survive.

what do we pass onto our children?
of all the things that we have learned
what three would we share?
the others would be learned in time.

she came in time and I to her
we tried to use each other but
found it difficult to understand.

there was space inside for only one
and whose needs were greater or
more deserving and by what 
method had they been defined?

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