Friday, May 28, 2021

July 1988 - page 3

they were not here for us so we
could not keep our jobs...  it was
more like we were here for them.

summer rain never came anymore when
it was needed...  always too late and
only enough to just dust the ground.

"you've had affairs before and after forty,"
she stated to him...  saying that all she
wanted was a normal social life with him.

a low hum kept the night sounds out,
air was circulated from one point
to the next, blowing away our naturally 
\occurring but selective thoughts.

she had been given an offer and
was tempted but was not sure if
her life would be better or worse.

they needed each other's caring
as well as their faith...  yet, none
of it was worth a damn until
they could trust each other with
all of that new personal knowledge.

she held him close another
weekend and another goodbye,
and she cursed his wife for 
not taking care of him and
not letting him go to her.

the heat makes us sweat in the
shade and the least little movement
cause it to roll down our bodies.

with my soul in sync with my
mind and body, a journey begins
in the middle and to its ultimate
conclusion it now continues.

she looked at him without tears
feeling it had happened again,
loosing another man she had loved,
she could imagine a day without him
but was too proud to let him know
all those thoughts that would hurt.

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