Thursday, May 13, 2021

June 1988 - page 1

the curious watch and the nail-biters
continue to improve their abilities
at hiding stress...  we think...
we think without emotions.

it was just a room in which we 
lived but we could do anything,
see anything...  be anything...
it was just a room but the maids called
us jocks because of exercise machines,
it was just a room in which we lived
and from which our souls were formed.

we were gathered in a large house
with one objective...  to survive,
the more we thought about ourselves
the less success we had...
our discoveries went unnoticed.

back in the city where hiding things
was most appropriate, we laid
awake in each other's arms wanting
to dress our feelings before they
were seen and misunderstood.

I can still see her...  sitting there
in a natural condition waiting for
me to look up and when I did
she would smile and whisper
her intent and I would relax.

she took my hand and with it
my heart felt a heaviness and
I was told to lie still...  it was
her turn to love me and she
did I was never the same again.

with whom could I share this feeling
of joy so wonderful since we met...
of love, so unbelievable since we 
first laid together...  of our caring so
special since you shared understanding
and needs with me...  and of honesty
since our trust had nothing to loose.

days pass by
some noticed
others not,
only the time
we are together
we control...
or think we do
until the painless
onslaught of age
remembers the 
lack of control
we really do have.

the reality of two different worlds
from which we come yield a 
here today give tomorrow attitude,
we can make it so or we can find
a way to make it all otherwise.

the soft side of her heart
was given to me but the
scheming side played my
two personalities against
the middle...  we never
even had a fighting chance.

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