Wednesday, May 12, 2021



May 5, 2021

Reticent Allies
the morning breeze disappears
overcast colors capture the sky
seagulls spread baseless rumors
about the intentions of tourist;
footprints hide in the white sand
a century of time has vanished,
and endless battle between the
land the water constantly visits,
not sharing the stories it brings
from it various points of origin
or rhythms it now seeks passing;
flocks of gulls furloughed here
hitchhike the prevailing winds,
riding their currents like
broncos bucked off by bulls
and float down to the surface,
following a trail of crumbs
left by ill-mannered tourists,
who perceive they own
all that they survey and
maintain dominion over all
that is survey, subordinating
all other forms of life but
giving the water and sky
control over what's left.

Always Elsewhere
I can see the sand stretched
from one side to the other
like imagination...
I can see the overcast sky and
distinguish light from dark;
I can see a row of umbrellas
in an endless line as if
reflections in mirrors they be;
I can see the sand dunes that
form mounds as far as one ca see,
dividing beach from property
some of which tall, some small;
I can see the blue green waters of
the gulf that endlessly assault the
shoreline on which humans play;
I can see everything
I am supposed to see...
but no more as the rest is
left up to my imagination and
my creative instincts that
brought me here originally to
avoid life's similarities
that exists everywhere
although we believe it to be
somewhat different elsewhere.

Waves of Time
ocean spirits
live within the waves
that crash along the land
in reckless madness
directed by some
unseen force...
some mystic magic
wrapped its hands
around endless efforts
of bipolar behaviors
regulated only by the
gods who brought it
with their poetic natures;
unassuming and 
faithfully relentless,
it pursues...
and captures those who
respect yesterdays
and past choices
brought about by hidden
voices of imaginations;
seasoned and secular,
it preys upon its victims
without the fear that it
may never disappear.

Watery Graves
watery graves
belong to no one
in particular
but to everyone
in general...
who visits these shores
and drinks it waters
of forgetfulness...
hoping to steal the
memories of accusations
falsely made
falsely perpetrated
against all inhabitants
who occupy graves...
lives lost
lives found
lives discarded
and with respect to all
and those who took a
chance swimming here.

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