Monday, May 31, 2021

October 1988 - page 3

air between the sole
and ground will not lift up one's
overweight spirits.

her cries linger in
my memories while she fades
from my view and grasp.

dreams curiously hand on the
walls of my mind...  like
unframed prints whose originals
were given away years ago
out of a love that now resides in
the hall of memories, unfulfilled.

draw closer to me and
make me feel loved by you
at least once this evening.

next to me you were
a lover extraordinaire
always in my heart.

there they sit in their
spun-silk shirts absorbing the
battles of others.

to me you gave of
yourself because all your friends
had moved out of town.

into my house, draw
near she babbled holding a
torn and tattered heart.

fall brought her cold winds
today slapping at the face
that was unshaven.

from deep within a
calling felt like none other,
it scares me sometimes.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

September 1988 - page 3

you arrived early and
without film or witnesses,
but you brought anger;
her tits poked through
the thin fabric covering
her charms from our view.

she swore that age made no difference,
he disagreed...  so she swore that color
made no difference...  he disagreed;
she swore that she loved him but
he disagreed...  so, she left him for
another and he lamented for months
over what he had done to deserve this.

several weeks had passed so he
called to see how she was and
immediately she said she had
missed him terribly...  it was 
always easy to misunderstand
because he had wanted her so bad,
and for so long...  he assumed
that this conversation had simply
been more of the same ole song.

before he would have tried harder
to contact her...  but this time he
wanted her to come after him...
he was available and he had to
be sure he was the one that she
really wanted...  reuniting the flesh.

her dark complexion
attracted his attention
and his hers as well.

a catalog of
pleasure we looked at through today
it was too costly.

I saw her body
naked and it was nice to
know it was still there.

your opinions are
nothing more than thoughts that some
one else had before.

her hair fell downward
my face felt its softness and
static sensations.

no matter who I 
am with or what I do I'll
always think of you.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

August 1988 - page 3

we just could not get beyond the hurt,
come back together with self-renewed
understanding...  today, was always based
upon all of our previous angers again.

she became demanding, critical and
abusive, daring him to accept that as
the best it was ever going to be now.

we remained for all the wrong reasons,
taking that as an excuse to be hateful.

morning wrapped her gentle hand around
my mind squeezing out the bad thoughts
that you had left inside from yesterday.

the sounds and smells of love making
came back to me this morning as did
your memory and I felt the emptiness
and the hollowness you left behind.

there wasn't much to hold us together
but it didn't take much and it was over
before it had gotten off to a good start.

I found her lonely and offered myself
and quickly that too was taken away
and she was left on her own again.

her heart was not my concern even
though I had broken it...  her feelings
were tightly sealed away out of reach.

it was mention our love would
last forever...  but there was no
for that to also change now.

her love had been there just
for me to take at the right
place and at the right time,
no one said it was to last.

Friday, May 28, 2021

July 1988 - page 3

they were not here for us so we
could not keep our jobs...  it was
more like we were here for them.

summer rain never came anymore when
it was needed...  always too late and
only enough to just dust the ground.

"you've had affairs before and after forty,"
she stated to him...  saying that all she
wanted was a normal social life with him.

a low hum kept the night sounds out,
air was circulated from one point
to the next, blowing away our naturally 
\occurring but selective thoughts.

she had been given an offer and
was tempted but was not sure if
her life would be better or worse.

they needed each other's caring
as well as their faith...  yet, none
of it was worth a damn until
they could trust each other with
all of that new personal knowledge.

she held him close another
weekend and another goodbye,
and she cursed his wife for 
not taking care of him and
not letting him go to her.

the heat makes us sweat in the
shade and the least little movement
cause it to roll down our bodies.

with my soul in sync with my
mind and body, a journey begins
in the middle and to its ultimate
conclusion it now continues.

she looked at him without tears
feeling it had happened again,
loosing another man she had loved,
she could imagine a day without him
but was too proud to let him know
all those thoughts that would hurt.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

June 1988 - page 3

a screen of obstacles covers my
progress like the summer porches
in which we once relaxed whose
meaning now has negative connotations.

she was like a blast furnace
whose gates of passion had been
raised to warm the frigid coldness,
she became too much for herself
and soon was no longer covered
by her unusually limited warranty.

her problem was in the attitude that
she was to share with his wife and
that sex was exclusively hers to own.

rain hit the ground with force
damaging the spring growth and
our first taste of gardening had
forever been spoiled in our minds.

she watched him leave
saddened by it all,
some she couldn't change,
the one flaw that would
keep her from reaching
a complete independence.

who would she she and
who would she remember?
who would remind her 
of all she mistakes she made?
who would she talk with?
or dance with?
and share her bed?
What would she do if...
it all suddenly came true?
there were two hours
a long time to some,
but never enough for
us when together.

They swore to each other it
would never end and all
those thing they learned
later couldn't help them.

once or twice
three times or more
I reached out for you but
your eyes were somewhere else.

it became simple for us
to do our fancy and nothing else
leaving a closeness for lovers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

December 1988 - page 2

it was so easy
for us to fall in love each
time we kissed awhile.

the belly grew a 
little bigger each night so
we wondered who's next.

he head shook 'no' but
her body opened with longing
and desired denied.

there was no crime here
only a few birds who flew
up for a quick chance.

once they traded names
all the animals left with
their new found partners.

softly their wings with
much applause flapped announcing
a new bold era.

they were all hearty
doing what they did best which
was nothing at all.

she took his gifts not
realizing that pride was
a superb virtue.

what went in, returned
and once outside went back in
over and over.

there was no market
for her talents just a bunch
of weekend journeys.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

November 1988 - page 2

he was her prize for
the month and after a year
wished for another.

you will never know
and you will never be the
one closest to me.

my purpose is to
love and be loved by you if
you can accept that.

our fantasies remain in the mirror
of memory until we can shed ourselves
from the attraction of others.

we tried separate philosophies and
found many of our ideas were similar,
we tried collective bargaining and
found a team approach instead,
we tried horizontal positioning and
found ourselves without a place to stay.

she returned like I
wanted, everything the same
only it was not.

it was a like a three
ring circus juggling future
against a bad past.

each night I struggle
with an identity that
I cannot tolerate.

she was soft spoken
with hair below her thoughts and
a smile everyday.

in her bed a man
stayed whose future would not be
just between her legs.

Monday, May 24, 2021

October 1988 - page 2

into the classroom
he wandered hoping this would
give him what he sought.

it began as they
all do and ended as they
all wished that it could.

is what she asked for and got
more lies than before.

Mix and match she would
her feelings to keep from the
hurt she always got.

he found her less than
appealing and stayed with her
now for the routine.

her smile brought him back
on her swing shift and he thought
a new job was found.

how pleasant the morning rain feels
on her face...  needing more each day,
how nice she is now that her cracks
and crevices are filled in and smooth,
how lovely are her rainbow skies and all
the spruce and pine and hardwoods,
how they bend and spring back in the rain
the tiny little flowers do...
how kind is nature on these days
forlorn and a mother to us all.

a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter
and a friend if time permits...  she is
these things and more...she is new and
old, sincere and full of faith and forgiving
in her own way...  she is love and truth
she is the guiding light through the tunnel
we all must pass...  she is my life.

my eyes should burn and fall apart if
seeing you is not possible...  look into
my future and tell me on what days
you won't be there...  long enough
I have waited for you to arrive here.

her branches move bobbing up
and down like puppets.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

September 1988 - page 2

she was but a summer girl
a summer romance
to fill in the time and space,
she caught on quickly
becoming a contender for the throne,
she was a special person who had
earned the right for respect
received that which she deserved.

the rains fall upon the ground steadily
and with each thump...  I feel her
cry out in pain...  for the torture
we have given and her revenge be
none too savage for the crime.

for ourselves we live
the world was made of plastic
in debt forever.

her kisses softly 
trace the outlines of my youth,
I reciprocate.

she dies quietly
our summer month of august
and nothing remains.

the heat plays tricks with our minds and
we see tears when it should be rain...
we see blood when it should be wine,
we feel pain when it should be pleasure
and we see evil when it should be good,
the heart plays tricks with our souls
and we always do the devil's bidding.

laughter hides our fear
and we learn to ridicule
all things in our sight.

walls of stone were made
to hide our fornications,
lovers need not lust.

this ends our labor
a day we can feel rested
and begins our fear.

a man and his lover quarrel
she has been with another while
he had been with his wife,
both are accusing unfaithfulness
both feel betrayed...  she can find 
it anytime - all he has is her,
she senses his needs
toying with his attention but
misunderstand his pride,
one day he is gone - she cannot
 remember why they fought.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

August 1988 - page 2

you spoke in anger
you acted with revenge
you want me to do
all the talking...  you
will never understand
the meaning of caring.

we took our feelings and bruised
them and with stubborn pride
prevented a second chance.

I loved you everyday 
more and deeper than
every before and
questioned that love
because I didn't deserve
it and thought I should
receive less than that.

I wrote about you once before
when I could allow myself to
care and you cautiously loved
me but we could never find
any more common ground.

I look over my shoulder 
expecting to see you...
expecting you to smile
and say let's try it again
since we were so good
for each other one time.

we loved and lost
and allowed no 
more saying goodbye
to the best that we
had ever had so far.

her eyes fell on deaf ears
still she would not plead
with him and they watched
it dissolve as if they had
never been anything at all.

her test was unfair but
so was mine...  it was
either her way or mine,
always competition
always conflict
compromise did not exist.

I wasn't trying to smother her
I just wanted her to care about
me more than she did...  it was
the indifference that was the
hardest thing to deal with now.

she knew my response would
be negative but wanted to
prove her point since I had
been so understanding lately.

Friday, May 21, 2021

July 1988 - page 2

a few days have passed and
I am convinced you no longer
care and if you did, what then?
learn to wait and believe in
one's ability is what you taught.

will you love me after your
divorce or was it necessary
for someone like me to get
you to follow through?

a cloud filled my day with
shade until you met me at the
door with your sunny disposition.

the days of summer nights begin warm 
and sultry then the heat turns them 
into something wild and passionate.

they were outside of each other's
thoughts all afternoon waiting for
the whistle to end the madness.

once again a breath of fresh
air was needed to regain our
composure for what lay ahead.

what will all our fooling around
we hardly had time to prepare
appropriate excuses to cover
our lengthy absences away.

she worked on her "smart assed"
remarks and soon she was just
as disgusting as he had been.

the summer nights were long and
casually filled with many diversions
to keep attention above the waist.

her head stayed just above the
water line and it was good too
since she knew not how to swim.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

June 1988 - page 2

she believed that I cared
but would not continue,
she saw herself as the only
one upon which to fall,
she would not leave
herself unprotected ever.

we transfer the control of our feelings
over to another, expecting them to
keep us at least as content as we
were when we were on our own.

age brings with it complications
that youth is not experienced
enough to be able to see clearly.

they were being measured on
the time it took to fill orders
so they used the coffee set
aside for customer refills.

how long must we wait?
each service has a different
urgency and a rather
different level of importance.

could she find her way without my help?
would she ever want to?
and...  after I was gone, what then?
would she want o keep on searching?
did I know enough to give her self respect?
there were common causes between us.

I was twenty eight when I drifted
into another sea...  losing a chunk
of my self-esteem in the murky water,
something died inside and was
never buried...  and, my ship not quite
sunk with all its numerous holes,
floating on will power, fighting the
will that was inside me to survive.

what do we pass onto our children?
of all the things that we have learned
what three would we share?
the others would be learned in time.

she came in time and I to her
we tried to use each other but
found it difficult to understand.

there was space inside for only one
and whose needs were greater or
more deserving and by what 
method had they been defined?

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

December 1988 - page 1

each had their heights in inches
and were waiting more instructions
from the facilitator when it was
announced only the average
of them all would be computed.

with the clock set
it began and gradually
they bloom alongside
each other on the road.

I waited and
you waited and
neither of us
bothered to
leave notes.

what were you to me anymore
I asked myself...
thinking it would help my mind
if I had a clear answer...
with which I could act upon.

his words easily left
but not easily were
they ever followed.

nothing could have prevented our
attraction it seemed...  deciding
that a smile and eye contact might
not appear too suggestive...
especially since we just met,
maybe we were lonely and saw
something to share without
having the fear of being used
and without any obligations,
like good friends who share and
expect nothing more than what
they have given me aready.

they never stopped
the process to make 
it better...  therefore
it became somewhat
increasingly worse.

she was back, she said
and there were some things
that he should just remember,

she had learned from him well,
all those little play with words
rather than just outright,

she knew of his love
and what he spoke but was
still confused with actions,

she knew that he was
not always there but
was always there
when she needed him.

she wanted to be
his girl and only
his girl and would 
have been if she
was not married.

she love him more
than any other but
never totally had him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

November 1988 - page 1

how complicated
our livers become
when feeling for
another grow.
we differ in so many
ways and manage to
stray and remain friends.

in a gesture of faith
we put down our anger
opening our hearts,

in a gesture of faith
a dialogue was set.
creating a truce,

in a gesture of faith
we concern ourselves with
what will bring us peace.

and the bombs still ring
inside his sympathies while
the rest of us try to sleep.

the weather paints us depressed
on these days when what we
don't need is anymore pain.

too much passivity
she thought...
she was giving in to
all that he ever wanted.

slowly falls...  it does
rain whenever it appears
not too often anymore.

she tries her best not to
cry...  keeping to herself 
what he took from her.

anxious not as much as he
she was and would not change
at all for my mother's son.

he had out foxed her
with little satisfaction
now that she was gone.

Monday, May 17, 2021

October 1988 - page 1

there was one wall remaining
one called confidence...
there was only one battle
left to fight...  his struggle
over and he would be free.

to his head an imaginary gun
was brought...  firing an imaginary
bullet into his skull and when
he reached inside to repaid the
damage found how little he knew.

policies dictate policy while
rewriting does not always
bring clarity out too bear.

he street cents brought her
cups of coffee but nothing 
could be as expensive as
her valuable lost innocence.

it was a celebration of the eyes
and we smiled at each other,
it was no performance nor wat
it silly sarcasm...  it was still an
unexplained attraction we had.

the light was a warning
that the morning never
seemed to have heeded.

I can imagine still
how I'd think you'd feel
but there will be no chance.

I call out your name
and others too and
one by one they all
decided to hide in.

she never left the
wind's currents
being blown away
from one to the next.

they eyes attract more
when we know that we
do not know what we
are really after here.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

September 1988 - page 1

it was the mannerisms I could not forget
they were there in everyone I saw and
talked with...  it was the smile and the
lost innocent look and the eyes shared
all of her experiences...  it was the
mannerism I could not seem to loose,
it was a sound memory, one that would
lost because I did not belong...   as it
should have been and the forever
seems a little too long to remember.

we brought wisdom with us and
it only made the situation worse,
we wanted the truth to forecast our future
and we received the law instead, granting
our visions but not our heart's passage,
quiet and cold the evening breaks
into the day and we are prevented
from the rest we were still desiring.

his fate was sealed years ago
when it was her destiny that
their paths should meet...
little did she know the impact
it would have on her life
not now but years later as she
reflected upon her life in the
hopes of guiding her children.

he led his men as a properly trained military man
a man from the Point...  they responded out of
loyalty and respect for his age...  a boy of fifteen
with the scars of battle few will ever see...
no religious war this was he fought and there
was no question of right or wrong...  good or evil,
but of a loser's pride...  to go out in anger with
those who brought him in and with those who
would not let him out and with those who would
not give him a chance...  his only friends they were.

she did not see my
eyes staring at her
wanting her her to
only be with me.

her lovely breasts rose
with his touch and with 
his kiss she could not stop.

the light shines brightly
more than ever before
this night but has never
shown that bright since.

they loved each other
but were afraid to show
or even say it to anyone.

concentration play an
important role in this
new way to see you.

we rehearsed our lines
without incident and you
won't accept it as it is.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

August 1988 - page 1

a storm rolls in over our land
quiet and ominous
and we cannot listen like we should
so we recommend 
finding ourselves without a shield.

she's leaving home for the first time
feeling angry and betrayed,
although she tested the limits and
encountered resistance and prefers
to live by herself without controls.

she our-foxed herself deciding she
was better off without a father and
from now on she'll tell whoever
that asks that he died in the war.

she listened to his complaints
she tolerated his insecurities
she wanted his love and no other
but when he talked in the past
she stopped counting on him.

what else is there to offer?
What else?
she'll put herself in shame,
I'll love her until I die
and I'll think of her often as
she matures and reaches for
the sky...  this is the only 
love I know how to show.

I gave her advice...
maybe too strong...
I gave her criticism...
perhaps too often...
Into another's arms she turned
for what I could not provide,
it was like she never
had a father at all...

she sent me packing and
was probably right...
it would never be like it was,
she could never love me
without someone else on 
which to fall back upon...
she would never be alone.

who would ever want you for real
married twice with two kids and a
history of looking across the fence.

It was never this easy with me
you always made me feel I had
to work at simply loving you.

a series of mistakes over sixteen
weeks and we were no longer...
how fragile was the love that
couldn't endure that...  how weak
were the feelings we claimed to
have...  we did not deserve any
thing more than what happened.

Friday, May 14, 2021

July 1988 - page 1

she felt things slipping away
down into the hollowness
of her worst fears....
"I just want this chance to love you,"
she said with tears in her eyes,
"if I don't take it now, I'll
never get it again..."

no one beat the system
they only learn how
to play within it.

you thoughts come back to me
like solid little ball bouncing
their way in and out of reality.

morning prepares me not for exercise
but for your memory and the last time
we were together...  and they pass
quickly until the next time together.

I wanted to imagine her at
home with me but there
were too many other forces
always standing in our way.

there was the photograph she had
give him...  the one she wanted
him to look at and think of her.

down the road dogs
bark at a lonely moon
as another summer
weekend comes to
its inevitable end;
the last can of beer is
tossed in the ditch of
a neighbor's yard and
we see ourselves as 
adult-like in behavior.

I caught the fever of
loving you and paid 
the price for it...  you
would be passionate
and daring for as long
as it pleased you to
make it so then stop.

I worry out of ignorance
that you have less to loose,
and as long as my passion
can conceal your guilt
you're happy to remain.

you've said a lot of things
and I wonder just how
serious you've been...
it seemed more at the
time but I could have
been fooled by you.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

June 1988 - page 1

the curious watch and the nail-biters
continue to improve their abilities
at hiding stress...  we think...
we think without emotions.

it was just a room in which we 
lived but we could do anything,
see anything...  be anything...
it was just a room but the maids called
us jocks because of exercise machines,
it was just a room in which we lived
and from which our souls were formed.

we were gathered in a large house
with one objective...  to survive,
the more we thought about ourselves
the less success we had...
our discoveries went unnoticed.

back in the city where hiding things
was most appropriate, we laid
awake in each other's arms wanting
to dress our feelings before they
were seen and misunderstood.

I can still see her...  sitting there
in a natural condition waiting for
me to look up and when I did
she would smile and whisper
her intent and I would relax.

she took my hand and with it
my heart felt a heaviness and
I was told to lie still...  it was
her turn to love me and she
did I was never the same again.

with whom could I share this feeling
of joy so wonderful since we met...
of love, so unbelievable since we 
first laid together...  of our caring so
special since you shared understanding
and needs with me...  and of honesty
since our trust had nothing to loose.

days pass by
some noticed
others not,
only the time
we are together
we control...
or think we do
until the painless
onslaught of age
remembers the 
lack of control
we really do have.

the reality of two different worlds
from which we come yield a 
here today give tomorrow attitude,
we can make it so or we can find
a way to make it all otherwise.

the soft side of her heart
was given to me but the
scheming side played my
two personalities against
the middle...  we never
even had a fighting chance.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021



May 5, 2021

Reticent Allies
the morning breeze disappears
overcast colors capture the sky
seagulls spread baseless rumors
about the intentions of tourist;
footprints hide in the white sand
a century of time has vanished,
and endless battle between the
land the water constantly visits,
not sharing the stories it brings
from it various points of origin
or rhythms it now seeks passing;
flocks of gulls furloughed here
hitchhike the prevailing winds,
riding their currents like
broncos bucked off by bulls
and float down to the surface,
following a trail of crumbs
left by ill-mannered tourists,
who perceive they own
all that they survey and
maintain dominion over all
that is survey, subordinating
all other forms of life but
giving the water and sky
control over what's left.

Always Elsewhere
I can see the sand stretched
from one side to the other
like imagination...
I can see the overcast sky and
distinguish light from dark;
I can see a row of umbrellas
in an endless line as if
reflections in mirrors they be;
I can see the sand dunes that
form mounds as far as one ca see,
dividing beach from property
some of which tall, some small;
I can see the blue green waters of
the gulf that endlessly assault the
shoreline on which humans play;
I can see everything
I am supposed to see...
but no more as the rest is
left up to my imagination and
my creative instincts that
brought me here originally to
avoid life's similarities
that exists everywhere
although we believe it to be
somewhat different elsewhere.

Waves of Time
ocean spirits
live within the waves
that crash along the land
in reckless madness
directed by some
unseen force...
some mystic magic
wrapped its hands
around endless efforts
of bipolar behaviors
regulated only by the
gods who brought it
with their poetic natures;
unassuming and 
faithfully relentless,
it pursues...
and captures those who
respect yesterdays
and past choices
brought about by hidden
voices of imaginations;
seasoned and secular,
it preys upon its victims
without the fear that it
may never disappear.

Watery Graves
watery graves
belong to no one
in particular
but to everyone
in general...
who visits these shores
and drinks it waters
of forgetfulness...
hoping to steal the
memories of accusations
falsely made
falsely perpetrated
against all inhabitants
who occupy graves...
lives lost
lives found
lives discarded
and with respect to all
and those who took a
chance swimming here.