Friday, April 30, 2021

March 1988 - page 1

it's been so long since I've cared about anything
the more they cared about me, the less I cared about them
and what they would see was just the opposite...
clever of me to keep that concealed.

two hearts intertwined
far from each other
hold the memory of rejection
swearing to get even.

yesterday's love is remembered
years later when unclear facts
distort what really happened
and then it is much too late.

and when she leaves there's always
another to take her place and they
never enter with the advantage nor
do they leave with one except
thinking it was all their choices.

and the different sounds that we hear
come from the birds who have returned
now that winter is struggling with its identity,
two years in a row, its harshness has
not been there to fight by any of us.

I watch you tease another and was
momentarily pleased that someone
else was in torment and I wanted it
to be more painful than my experience.

hate came easy for us
we were taught to hate
early and fear nothing except
those who were stronger.

the evening rests her shades of grey
across the front yard of my feelings
knowing I would welcome her arrival.

whatever ability I turn out to possess
is my only wealth and you don't even
provide me with a pleasant diversion.

a yard of hope and a mile of courage
is all I got and when that runs out, it's
back to living off dumb luck and guts.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

February 1988 - page 4

with his pride damaged
laying on the floor to be repaired
the old man felt the hatred
and resented that it had
never been expressed,
wishing he had know years earlier
so he could have given
her the freedom she needed.

and the boy called  out for his father
but his father wasn't there...
he called out for his mother and
she appeared...  so, he asked about his father
and she said he had no father...
there was only this lover she'd known for years.

I prayed for your death
and mine as well...
half were answered.

his fists were raised in anger,
he yelled as he shook them,
a nightly fury unleashed and
the rain fell on parched soil.

I called my house and a strange
man answered saying my wife
was now his and I was thought
to have been killed in the war.

they voted me most likely
not to succeed... who'd have
thought after all these years
that they would be right.

I sat in the chair as you ordered,
the blood from my loins dripped
into the bowl below...  you yelled
at me for being messy as you sat
on the brown lap of your lover.

deep into my arms your fingernails went
breaking the skin...  
to the bone they probed,
hacking away at it like firewood,
I begged for mercy and you said I
should have thought about that before.

is it possible to raise a child
that is a snob?
a child that looks down their nose
at you and who you are.

the rules were set a long time ago
and we must play the game by them,
it is not ethical nor is it moral to change
the rules to suit our conveniences...
it is critical that we adhere to this
process or simply not play the game.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

February 1988 - page 3

I hear the horns of death blowing
the tune I wrote that only I can hear,
I hear the trumpets sounding out
loudly for me and the drumming
cadence calling...  deep base beating,
I have been ready for this for weeks.

she was a looker she was
and more than that...
much more...  she was sensual
and oh so sexy and hot.

we thrive on rumors and
gossip without them
there would be no intrigue.

wars are fought on many battlefields,
some traditional but many not,
and the natives lost their pride to us
and most of their meaning...
who will we ridicule tomorrow?

dance with me so
I might feel the
warmth of your
body against me.

the word
through the grapevine
finally got to me
that you were
not pleased
with my actions...
I picked up and left.

the anger in his voice eased
he resented not being a good father or husband,
he believed things around the
old homeplace would get better
if he was not there so much of the time.

into the security of the room 
he ran...  alone with his
thoughts and no critics...
he was finally safe.

it was midnight when he finished
the hold digging and dawn by the
time he had slept and showered...
it was ready anytime he was.

she spoke to him as if to question
his motives and when he could
not defend his intentions, she
asked politely for him to leave.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

February 1988 - page 2

I was formerly married
and formerly employed,
I was formerly trim
and formerly healthy,
then I turned forty.

the people who we teach this year
seem to be bottom-of-the-barrel kind,
they are different each year with a
less than positive trend going on.

I knew a man who saved
everything except friendships,
couldn't save what he didn't have.

old time, what do you see?
what do you know?
what can you tell me?
will I end up like you?
Hey...  old timer...
talk to me...  I'm like you.

this year ain't going to be
any better than last year...
I'm tired of this...  frigging "A".

we had a splendid little
marriage until the rumor
of divorce...  then we were
nasty and said hateful things,
and our actions implied feelings
that we could deny later because
they had not been said...  we 
had the world by the tail
and loved every minute of it.

I never thought I could ever
really hate anyone until you...
you make it so easy for me.

I've got my work to do
I cannot take time to spend
with you...  on second thought
I'll never get all my work done.

I tried to remember her face and
what she looked like and all I
could think of was how sexy
she was or seemed to be to me.

I live on the careful side of emotions
not to show in public what should
remain private and sort of personal,
I hide my feelings behind the
false exterior of being rather tough.

Monday, April 26, 2021

February 1988 - page 1

I stood by helpless, watching her
image fade from the yellowed
photograph I carried...  there was
so much I wanted to say if I
could only find her location.

under the counter love is what you offered,
I was down and out...  needing you or
anyone for that matter, as long as they
were willing to care about my situation.

an old man came through the door
and into my line of sight...  he wore
a old boy hat that wasn't very good
with scrambled eggs on the brim.

a winter storm watch or warning
I heard today...  this morning actually,
it will be in tonight when we are
in our bed and making love again.

absorbed within my own thoughts,
deep inside the mental corridors
of abstraction...  I sat holding a
key to your heart...  I knew it had
been lost years ago and returned.

an attractive lady sat across from me,
a few years older or so it appeared,
I saw in her a unique quality that
had not been available in my youth.

we change our appearance
with each new season...
shedding our habits with
the changing climate...
and those who think they
know us find our differently.

complaints are directed to the lower level,
it may appear as a low priority when
actually there is no priority at all here.

they came to me in groups for advice,
I tell them what they already know,
they come to me for favors but
I tell them the price tag is too high.

my appetite grew faster than I 
could find time to walk it off,
I learned not to eat what didn't smell
and what used to be easy for me
now had become almost impossible.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Second Quarter - April - 2021

Slow Motion Imagined
the weekend passes by unnoticed
the administration seeks restitution
for all of its bad decisions and Spring
falls on deaf ears in the South as all
its residents remain inside waiting
for the baseball season to start and see
who is willing to hit the political home runs;
cats sit at the windows on backs of couches
wishing they could be on the other side,
birds fly freely in and out of trees watching
their young fall to the ground on first flight, 
freshly cut grass smells permeate the air,
dogs bark at the person delivering the mail,
strangers walk on neighborhood streets to
strengthen their wills determined to persevere;
counties raise taxes in lieu of a harsh winter
city streets are full of marked unfilled holes
do-gooders stand at highway entrances begging
for a handout...  receiving enough for their next fix,
and our lives pass by in unnoticed circumstance,
moments of courage diminished in a heartbeat
lines from a best seller fall short of compassion,
and the summer heat potentially cooks out the
double vision of our minds as old age symptoms
have a lasting desire to relive youth in slow motion.

5 April 2021

A Warm Day Noticed
the past illuminates the present
a multitude of birds rant and rave
a day of sunshine noticed,
holes in porch screens are patched
carpenter bees hoover indiscriminately
protecting their territory from unseen predators
that may stray too close to their endeavors,
grass stained jeans lay out to dry
from yesterday's watery storms as
bugs crawl up a wall to nowhere;
Sunday's comic page, folded nicely
sits under flower pots like table mats
for a dinner party now prevented by covid
and the hosts still wonder if it is
worth the time and effort to reschedule;
sunshine from the east casts shadows
towards the western side of magnolias
where spiders live secretly and prey
on those who are pushed in their direction
by territorial bees who are diligent;
landscaping bricks encased in white plastic bags
strategically placed around the perimeter
prevent the pool covering from collapsing
and nylon ropes guided through eyelets
are tied tautly to wooden deck posts,
leaving little room in the imagination of animals
familiar with the ritualistic fall spectacle;
nature weaves her way in and around life
with little regard for future plans or
previous disappointments as she takes
life towards it ageless pursuits of survival.

April 9, 2021

An Anniversary Song

Time pushes its way into the future

leaving no one behind except those

who are joined in their commitments

and make no excuses for their love.

Time heals only those wounds you

want it to heal leaving those who

hold your future to be carried around         

with the love that comes from tolerance.

Two decades plus eight years has

poured over the dam of time and we

seem stronger for its cleansing affects

avoiding a single-minded purpose…

love is what it is and time seals its fate

when two accept life’s ups and downs

as easily as breathing in air around them

given to them with their gift of life…

compassion replaces passion, and

empathy guides us both in the love

that surrounds us like a gentle cocoon.

Words sit on the back porch of thought

being offered without consideration

and later abandoned when finally heard

as if they had been spoken by strangers.

Mornings are as they always will be as

two become one in retirement living

with time as if it were borrowed from

the one who gave us all life, expecting

only love in return and to each other

the same and always freely given…

we dance around the day in our

separate patterns of differences,

realizing that love is the cornerstone

of our living home and that our

lives and love will be celebrated

daily until one of us must leave.

 April 10, 2021


Outta nowhere they marched through the main streets of

The city as if they were headed somewhere particular,

Crowds of spectators lined the sidewalks gawking…

Not really know what to do or say so they just stared,

Mesmerized by their performance I walked along with them

Afraid that my whiteness might not be readily accepted,

We knew nothing would come of this and soon all the walkers

Were dispersed for lack of having a valid permit to march;


Outta nowhere my thoughts gathered around me like an angry crowd

And I cowered at the power of their influences over me, 

Moments turned into weeks and the weeks became years as

I learned nothing new at those repositories of learning

Even though only the highly educated had been hired for the task,

My thoughts raised question after question that went unanswered,

The solutions developed had no basis of authenticity as I traveled

Expressing my view to those who would stop drinking to listen;


Outta nowhere the climate of my determination was diminishing

And the courage I had demonstrated as an athlete did not seem

To do much for me as I was fumbling the ball every day but

The opposing team had no desire to pick it up and score points

So we parted ways and I was left with an empty case of flowers

And no one around to offer a few as gifts, so I trashed them

Along with the energy I had loaned to the paper boy the day

After I had stopped my free subscription given in ignorance;


Outta nowhere my life on the run had never gotten started so

I looked for a more promising career without the added thought

Since it was a burden for which I was glad to discard with the trash,

since the military man said he was not interested in someone like me

My journey took me down the same city street of the march, giving

Me the inspiration to become a professional protestor of sorts

But there was nothing in my limited bag of tricks on which I could rely

And finally guided was I by what I saw and what they did and what I knew;


Outta nowhere I abandoned my white privilege with the undertaker

Who knew more about me than he cared to admit, but had no problems

Driving the car that had been put in my wife’s name after the divorce

Even though she had never wanted to take out a license, asking

People she hardly knew to be driven somewhere she did not need to be,

And so my old routine was swapped for a new routine…  learning

Quickly was the foundation of my reputation before the march, leaving

Me with no reputation, earning a neglected spot at the end of the line.

April 11, 2021

morning stillness slows after thoughts
and I creep along the boundaries of a
new reality like a snail looking for
shelter from a attitude of mild regrets,
avenues bisect my bipolar cities and
refuge is offered only after an investigation
by those forces claiming dominion over the
solidarity and singularity of my lost soul;
ageless mysteries lay dormant under piles of
clothes whose virtues have long since been
abandoned in favor of the salvation that arrives
when one finally agrees to do the right thing;
clarity follows abruptly as if it were a summer
rain shower disappearing just as rapidly
once the subtleties of life are revealed to a
mind whose course of action is nondisclosure.

April 11, 2021

Signs of Life
as the day begins to close her tired eyes
my vision becomes blurred and unsteady,
sounds move from one side to the other,
fingers probe the scalp like the Mars rover
and mental images merge like once race
that cares not about its differences...
cymbals and sounds play staccato
rhythms slow with the drowsy mood,
lines of data flow across the forehead
and I see not clearly what I see at all,
a sinking feeling...  down into the water,
a submerged journey of the soul
who lost its job a decade or more ago,
leaving crumbs for other fools to follow,
a warm wind blows chilly across the face
of the ancient master who assigns guilt
to those who would suspend their beliefs
in favor of those who have no beliefs at all
except those carried around in their back pockets
knowing that denim has lost its stretch factor,
bells and bugles play harmoniously...
fluent in the tunes they know and when to
let the train move to another station, allowing
the strings to strum silently in the night as
darkness lowers without a curtain call and
life ceases to exist until another theory
is developed to explain its existence and
the reason to have any sounds of life at all.

April 11, 2021

Days of Desperation
no longer do we see collective wisdom
no longer do we see a united force
no longer do we see safety and security in numbers...
upside down our values have been placed
on city streets for all to witness as the chaos
burns into the hearts of families caught
on camera in their moments of terror;
we eat our meals in separate rooms
of separate houses located in separate cities
of separate states that border waters
on either side of our own dismal continent
while the wealthy whistle "Dixie" each time
monies are deposited in their Caymans accounts...
we teach our children hatred on computer screens
that were made in China violated the
standards we set for our own illegal immigrants;
we abhor violence and yet there is the tactic
used to get across our points-of-view since
since we have no others in which to believe and
violence is now as common as having
buttermilk pancakes when on vacation...
we tutor each other in fear as we remain
inside to keep from wearing masks and curse
the royals for what they did to Megan and Harry;
we surround ourselves with fools for leaders
as they speak the language of political correctness
even though their views are not grounded in the reality
of our global marketplace that wants us off the hill
and will poison the waters of the world to do so...
we are blind to the death of our own future
just as we are blind to each other in how much
toilet paper we must use to make ourselves
presentable for the nights news and its interpretations;
we feed our children lobster tails soaked in
the butter of our own sins used to gain momentum
over those competitors we need to destroy,
leaving our voice as what the workers will hear...
yet, our mansions are divided by more than just rooms
and our destiny is manifested in the lies we
tell ourselves to avoid taking Prilosec each day;
we are gathered with Neanderthals who have taught
themselves integrity and plan to use that weapon
when all else fails to make their feelings known
as we all hope for healing this divided country
already following the path perceived as destructive.

April 13, 2021

Second Quarter - April - 2021 - page 2

An Understanding
in your presence I find myself
on my knees patiently wait
a hand on my shoulder lets me know
temptation spreads me farther apart
a warmness covers my body like
the clothes you prohibit me,
hands slide over my oiled skin
fingers find their way inside
probing my deepest secrets
as I willingly yield to your influence,
guiding and directing me
making sure my commitment is sustained
while you regulate my sensations
and orchestrate my sensitivities to respond
and be captured by you gentle touch...
when to obey and when not to
when to reply to your questions and
when to satisfy your desires
as you instruct me to fulfill them,
sleeping in the shadows of your contentment
realizing my subordinate place in your life.

April 13, 2021

remaining in my place, I wonder
what my dreams will bring tonight
will I be lucky enough to find
a mistress who knows instinctively
what I need and what I want...
to move on me gradually
with soft caresses and kisses
as I lay on my stomach...
gently spreading my thighs
soothing their softness with
fingers that are heated to the touch,
the round surface above my thighs
is the area you now explore,
kissing the crease between the cheeks
licking me into further submission,
the heat of your face against my skin
my heart beats sensuously faster
my hands sweat as I grasp the sheets,
a long finger probes my opening
then two slide in with ease...
my hips arch up to meet the attack
pushing your fingers farther in
until the silence is broken by our
heavy breathing as we both enjoy the
moments and their erotic rhythms.

April 13, 2021

The Awakening
darkness surrounds my countenance
fear roams throughout my body freely
sexual excitement permeates my senses
chills dance along my exposed spine
as prone I lay naked...
exposed...   vulnerable...
coolness blows over me
whispers of your breath evoke shivers
my manhood stiffens by your touch
coating your fingers with my essence
smeared on my opening sensuously;
spread eagle do I lay
hot oil drips onto my back and stings
until I am covered thoroughly
and squiring with anticipation...
you make me wait
and wait...
a cold metal object touches me
pointed and bulbous
sliding along the surface
teasing my exposed body,
your breasts brush up against me
nipples slide back and forth
kisses electrify my senses
my sensitivities soar,
my mind reels in the darkness
the object rests in the small of my back;
a smooth slippery body slides down mine
his manhood rests between my legs,
his hands guide it into me
it fills the space and more,
pushing it in against my resistance
occupying me completely
shaping my responses
and arching...  push back harder
feeling sparks of enjoyment alarms...
penetration completes its journey
and I am left completely joined
by an unknown stranger who
moves in and out of me
freely and unrestricted
my legs quivering with each thrust
and each gasping moan...
and when he explodes inside me
my mind escapes reality
my muscles clinch around him
as my reality shatters my feelings
of who I thought I had become...
I noticed not his leaving
nor her replacing him until her
breasts again pressed against my body
and slide back and forth
as her fingers played with his remnants
making sure I was washed with his semen
as a reminder of my submission and
the notion this could be repeated anytime.

April 14, 2021

we live in violent times but we
are a violent people who
use words and weapons to 
beat our opponent into submission
as we are the dominant one
and dominance is the blood of life
that surges through our bodies
like the sexual energy of a whore
whose case career lifestyle is one
many of us envy and emulate 
though we call it marriage.

April 15, 2021

there are no rules in retirement
for either males or females or
any of those caught in between
as we have pills and hobbies
to get us through each day and
no longer are we worried about
the daily news as it is simply
the same ole shit played differently
and never as important to us as is the
satisfaction that comes from an
unanticipated bowel movement.

April 15, 2021

hypothetical in the seventies was Star Trek
its utopian futuristic lifestyle impractical
and Area 51 was seen as speculation simply
no matter how popular the X Files...
Ancient Aliens brought into perspective what
Chariots of the Gods tried to convey in earnest
but only a few were caught up in the charms,
nowadays...  the government admits that
unidentified flying objects have been commonplace,
the news reports these findings without alarm
and we go about our daily business as if
there was noting here of which to be concerned.

April 15, 2021

without the betrayal of Judas
there would be no Christianity
and yet as evil he is seen rather
than as the hero he should be...
and in the knowledge we agree
that our Creator controls our destiny
directing our actions both good and bad
to achieve His ultimate purpose of
which we have not been made aware.

April 15, 2021

Second Quarter - April - 2021 - page 3

Teach Well
out from the darkness you appear
an angry cloud spreading anger
and hate within and among people
like no other ever arriving before;
seeds of discontent sowed evenly
and throughout all people whose
companionship has been neglected
in favor of a new radical approach;
no one listened then and many
listen now but resent the attacks
standing firm on previous beliefs
not really caring about the outcomes;
tears, fears, and mixed blessings
roam our lands like fire ants that
care not about race or wealth but
concentrate on the havoc they create;
separated and easily manipulated
we tear down white privilege and
replace it with the enemy of wills
given to us at birth instead of baptism;
shades of blackness layered around us
bonding our minds with selfish attitudes
of hopelessness, helplessness, and despair
as if we will never gain anything at 
all except our constant struggling.

April 19, 2021

an alter ego reaches out to you
shedding the dust it has gathered
remembering previous encounters
not so satisfactory as it longs
to be remembered by you and
those days when our journey
was calm and simple and had
no fears or concerns save the
ones we gave to each other that
was requested by our association...
time heals no wounds anymore
as we lust for the past and the
salvation that the previous brought.

April 21, 2021

tenderly our memories
create mind ripples that
permeate the realities
our awareness created,
moving us closer to that
which we have avoided
and to that which we excluded
when praying for forgiveness.

April 21, 2021

Distilled Feelings
distilled feelings are poured
into our cups of life and drank
like any other experience we
have encountered during the
years of our existence as if
what we drank became who
we are or vice versa...  but,
no one sees the soul of our
thoughts or the essence of our
beings until it is too late to
compensate for what's missed.

April 21, 2021

Morning's Side
rudely we awaken
to the dawn of a new
life that is seldom
bestowed a second time;
cautiously we open our
eyes to life's cruelty as
we roll over and avoid
the concentration of sun;
mental aspirations from 
a lost cause filters through
our imaginations like
souls waiting for resurrection;
creeks of doubt creep by
on their way to bigger
streams to eventually feed
all unintended consequences;
death arrives on our door step
delivered by parcel post
camping there until left
over dreams are offered;
night robs us of sleep as
the day reclaims our passion
and we see past helplessness
to face a newly awakened day.

April 21, 2021

Saturday, April 24, 2021

January 1988 - page 4

cries came from across the room
a boy missing his mother and on
my side an old man with a walker
who was trying to sit...  somewhere
between those extremes I am.

except for the color of her hair the
girl of my dreams sat in front of me,
except for the largeness of her hips
and the smallness of her chest,
her figure seemed to be ideal,
except for her smile and too much
makeup, she had a pretty face,
except for my marriage I
would have wanted her a lot.

the lady did not show
much initiative until
she became a boss.

a woman and two men too familiar
with each other lived out of the same
suitcase for weeks at a time...  one 
left and the other's routine fell apart.

we rely on each other
too much perhaps,
one day we'll not be
there for each other,
then what will we do?

at the end of the room,
there she sits...
around the room she
nervously looks...
acting relaxed...
I imagine who she is
and why she is there,
she leaves before I'm finished.

at nineteen she lived to the east of me,
I lived on the left...  the far left since the
other side was too conservative for me.

we take our coffee break
having tea instead...  others
prefer something sweet.

and to his father the little boy states,
in no uncertain terms...
"you shouldn't get yourself a present
'cause you know what it is
'cause you buyed it."

if we are in spirit together
when we are not...  then
when we are together our
spirits are not...
we need no more.

Friday, April 23, 2021

January 1988 - page 3

my mind was pushed into
a paper bag and set on fire
like we did on Halloween.

I saw a lady that appeared to be white
with a little boy that appeared to be black
although she wore no ring of any kind.

she wore her amusement clothes
some might say she was over dressed
for anything but going to bed.

we began this year with ice,
cold and melting interests,
we consumed over-the-counter
medication to change all that
and all we gained were cramps.

an old friend passed by this morning
on his way to a new job...
he wasn't really a friend since I only
spoke to him a couple of times,
but he is making more money now.

the wind shifted her direction
blowing me to you...   it was
hardly what I wanted...  we
seemed to get along fairly well.

into my life she appeared
and left before we were
properly introduced to
each other as expected.

this morning my head woke up first
with a pain that would bring most
people to their knees...  daylight
made it worse as I fought to reduce it,
my actions made it work...  I wanted to die.

as I stood...  a faintness overcame me
then a sick feeling deep inside...  I
found myself without clothes...  face up
on the bathroom floor...  shivering.

a sense of recovery came to me
as I finished dressing and shaving,
I wondered when it would strike again.

what is my problem?
why do I always want something else?
I recognize the issues but
cannot do anything to change.

he was looking for a telephone
in all the wrong places and if he
had just turned the other way
he would have easily seen it.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

January 1988 - page 2

when I look at these kids today
I try to remember how I felt at their age
but what I remember doesn't
match their new realities it seems.

she existed for me on Thursday
after the birthday but before
the celebration...  she was real
and beautiful and I stared much
too long...  she has not returned.

my reward was premature
I congratulated myself too soon,
it looks as though she'll be
listed on the scoreboard 
as a hard fought loss.

the schools were closed this morning
re-opening after I had my coffee,
I knew we were in trouble when the
mercury dropped below my age.

she had trouble finding
herself and wanted 
back into our marriage.

she liked me in the afternoon
not in the morning and said
she could not take me unshaven.

the turned sunny so I spent the afternoon
on the veranda sipping softly on hot coffee
and as the waiter's boy mopped the floor,
engines of fire passed, providing me
the only entertainment I was going to have.

I recollected the day's events
and once they were prioritized,
realized the day had been boring.

she agreed to my proposition
but she was old and ugly and
I was not interested anymore.

each morning, a few moments
spent counting is partially spent
on my blessing and I devote
to my relentless exercising.