Saturday, April 24, 2021

January 1988 - page 4

cries came from across the room
a boy missing his mother and on
my side an old man with a walker
who was trying to sit...  somewhere
between those extremes I am.

except for the color of her hair the
girl of my dreams sat in front of me,
except for the largeness of her hips
and the smallness of her chest,
her figure seemed to be ideal,
except for her smile and too much
makeup, she had a pretty face,
except for my marriage I
would have wanted her a lot.

the lady did not show
much initiative until
she became a boss.

a woman and two men too familiar
with each other lived out of the same
suitcase for weeks at a time...  one 
left and the other's routine fell apart.

we rely on each other
too much perhaps,
one day we'll not be
there for each other,
then what will we do?

at the end of the room,
there she sits...
around the room she
nervously looks...
acting relaxed...
I imagine who she is
and why she is there,
she leaves before I'm finished.

at nineteen she lived to the east of me,
I lived on the left...  the far left since the
other side was too conservative for me.

we take our coffee break
having tea instead...  others
prefer something sweet.

and to his father the little boy states,
in no uncertain terms...
"you shouldn't get yourself a present
'cause you know what it is
'cause you buyed it."

if we are in spirit together
when we are not...  then
when we are together our
spirits are not...
we need no more.

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