Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Untitled... from 1988, page 31

should we ever feel sorry for the ones
that were born ugly since they will
probably never experience the agonies
of being attracted to beauty and love?

she heard me crying but I could hear nothing
that my eyes could see, except of muffling of
voices from off in the distance...  she heard
me crying and I'm thankful I could not see
all the love that she had been hiding from me.

she lived not far away but what I
felt came from a short distance
inside my heart...  I found her
a mother of two with a need to
be needed and with plenty of
love for two...  I found her
fascinating and easy to love.

it was difficult somedays to
arrange a meeting but when
we did it was always worth it.

living in the city had robbed her
of a sense of humor and all that
remained was her dignity and 
that was taken earlier when she
was fired after twenty years.

she called this morning and when
he answered, the phone said,
"good morning darling."
the only he could do was smile,
but it was not seen by her who
wondered who had answered.

work had no laughter and no honor roll,
things were taken as needed...
work had no order or pretense that occurred,
work had us with which to play when
there was nothing else to try.

her skirt was pulled tightly across her ass and
she walked as if that's what she was selling,
her thoughts were evil, not seductive and she
learned this all before she left high school.

the sun came up early this morning
and we arranged a quick departure,
we were afraid that the light would
bleach all of the lies we had told.

our early morning adventure was postponed
since you had to plant in the garden...
or the field...  whatever...  and since you
were right-handed and worked on the end,
had to have remembered to wear something
that could be taken off once it go too hot.

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