Sunday, April 25, 2021

Second Quarter - April - 2021 - page 3

Teach Well
out from the darkness you appear
an angry cloud spreading anger
and hate within and among people
like no other ever arriving before;
seeds of discontent sowed evenly
and throughout all people whose
companionship has been neglected
in favor of a new radical approach;
no one listened then and many
listen now but resent the attacks
standing firm on previous beliefs
not really caring about the outcomes;
tears, fears, and mixed blessings
roam our lands like fire ants that
care not about race or wealth but
concentrate on the havoc they create;
separated and easily manipulated
we tear down white privilege and
replace it with the enemy of wills
given to us at birth instead of baptism;
shades of blackness layered around us
bonding our minds with selfish attitudes
of hopelessness, helplessness, and despair
as if we will never gain anything at 
all except our constant struggling.

April 19, 2021

an alter ego reaches out to you
shedding the dust it has gathered
remembering previous encounters
not so satisfactory as it longs
to be remembered by you and
those days when our journey
was calm and simple and had
no fears or concerns save the
ones we gave to each other that
was requested by our association...
time heals no wounds anymore
as we lust for the past and the
salvation that the previous brought.

April 21, 2021

tenderly our memories
create mind ripples that
permeate the realities
our awareness created,
moving us closer to that
which we have avoided
and to that which we excluded
when praying for forgiveness.

April 21, 2021

Distilled Feelings
distilled feelings are poured
into our cups of life and drank
like any other experience we
have encountered during the
years of our existence as if
what we drank became who
we are or vice versa...  but,
no one sees the soul of our
thoughts or the essence of our
beings until it is too late to
compensate for what's missed.

April 21, 2021

Morning's Side
rudely we awaken
to the dawn of a new
life that is seldom
bestowed a second time;
cautiously we open our
eyes to life's cruelty as
we roll over and avoid
the concentration of sun;
mental aspirations from 
a lost cause filters through
our imaginations like
souls waiting for resurrection;
creeks of doubt creep by
on their way to bigger
streams to eventually feed
all unintended consequences;
death arrives on our door step
delivered by parcel post
camping there until left
over dreams are offered;
night robs us of sleep as
the day reclaims our passion
and we see past helplessness
to face a newly awakened day.

April 21, 2021

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