Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Failed Experiment

hands seek justice where there was no crime
we walk in circles among our friends
life teeters on the brink of collapse and we
sip lemonade on the front porch letting the
sun bake our skins like cookies in the oven;

walks in the park take place on television
as Netflix and Hulu inflate their ratings in
order to receive government subsides while
stay at home orders in some States keeps the
politicians from doing something stupid with their time;

red and blue make purple but green is the color
to watch as it washes over us in unparalleled fashion
and life turns inward as it encompasses the ignorant,
bribes the poor and solidifies debt well into the future
hoping the wealthy feel sorry for our blatant foolishness;

times slows down for the undertakers as they labor
in some back room like politicians carving our deals
that none really want except for themselves and
the vanity of their egos that clash in the night
like drunken sailors trying to find their way home;

ships on high seas sail into oblivion when their
crews abandon the captain's orders to watch a
Fourth of July celebration in three "D" and eat
crumpets virtually with the Queen who has
stolen their virtues by keeping the Prince silent;

Russians steal our fortunes from cyber cafes
Chinese rape our wills into submission, stealing
our future opportunities from our children
whose lives are sold on Ebay to pay off our debt
and jobs move to the east like hummingbirds;

temperatures move in the extremes during seasons
of despair and citizens cling to their faith and
to the return of what they had taken for granted,
since law enforcement hung up their guns in
the middle of the night to sell drugs from Mexico;

"we told you so" signs liter the interstates as
motorists drive out their gasoline in search of
wind power and solar energy to keep their minds
from entering caves of cold depression that pills had
previously been able to deter  --  suburban complacency;

American flags no longer fly as the WOKE mob
makes claims of racism in public streets and eats the
food left behind by the government on banquet tables,
since whiteness changed the constitution and the
civil disobedience laws were muted by the courts;

Native Americans reclaim the lands that were stolen
and shed tears for the loss of buffalo and eagles
that once roamed the land providing inspiration
to those who spoke no English and who had not yet
heard of the once great country that no longer exists.

8 March 2021

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