Friday, March 19, 2021

The Untitled... from 1988, page 13


she needed to see a lawyer who had
handled her first two divorces...
"thank you for small favors," she told him,
"that this one had died in his sleep."

her red, white, and blue attitude was
washed away in an afternoon rain shower,
she took sick leave to fix the damage.

"well hullo...  haven't seen you in a long time,"
the old woman said in a shrill voice,
"whatcha been up to?"
"nothing...  I'm just gettin' married next month,"
she said happily.
"to whom?"
"a farmer."
"you don't want to marry a farmer,"
the old woman exclaimed!
"what I don't want is to share my happiness with you,"
replied her daughter walking away.

we've caused them to turn and look
and we've caused them to talk...
whatever is unexpected
attracts their attention the most.

only to her does he talk
does he complain about
how he has been wronged;
only to her does he share his grief
only to him does she listen...
after thirty years on not saying a word.

the entrance to her heart was
well concealed and guarded;
her ambitions kept her from
loving too many mean at all.

she had freed herself from
greed and envy once she
realized many of her needs
were down in his basement
just gathering  a little dust.

a fence covered with roses, its
vines crawling around for support,
red and green quilts look like blooms
through a dusty closed window,
eavesdropping on their silent beauty.

the words formed in his throat like
bit of food caught halfway down
and it wasn't until later that he
she was not paying him attention.

it might have worked years ago if they had met first,
it is hard to say for sure...
if only what they shared wouldn't end...
relationships could become almost perfect;
and some actually are...
it is always someone else that steals our moody
attention and who we ultimately fantasize about,
not the one with whom we really belong.

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