Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Untitled... from 1988, page 14


she didn't think of herself
as the other woman just the
wife he could never leave.

rain beat against his honor
eyes upward looking for an answer,
nothing was for sure anymore
only the rain on his face.

she sat in the corner of his thoughts
as the explanation of why she loved
him always remained the same...
because of his special love for her.

she let the water trickle down her
body as the jets of liquid massage
beat against her pelvic bone...
she had liberated herself from the
need of a man but allowed herself
to remember how their fingers 
would have felt inside her...
fantasies were better that having
all those disappointing lovers.

she fought for the right to love him
he was her only competition...
she expressed a need for him which
she had to identify and justify 
each time they were together...
both were worth the struggle yet
neither knew how to end what
had seemed so easy to start.

if I were to stare at you
it would be because I
was pondering an idea 
and not because you 
were ever on my mind.
and with him firmly in her mind, she
slide further down between the sheets
into the penetrating softness of the bed;
feeling his eyes and arms on her, she turned
until her own hand rested between her legs,
where he was minutes earlier and the
surge she felt lifted her spirits and she
moaned his absence as his wet memories
slowly left her...  she was content now.

their hearts were covered with
drops of acid rain and neither
had a raincoat or an umbrella
to stop the slow deterioration.

her tears of love stained his
serious denial of her love
which she felt compelled to
prove to him time-after-time.

a reflection of youth passes
through our imagination...
forgiveness is asked each morning...
we accept like's passion for
tolerance as the struggle will
end before happiness is secured.

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