Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Untitled... from 1988, page 22


it howled in our faces and beat
against our backs as we stood
admiring our new predicament,
a crown of racks lay at our feet
to be reassembled once we knew
the new arrangement...  so strange,
our lives were never the same.

the hot water against my muscles aching
felt better than good
felt sensuous but not physical
relaxing the soreness,
steaming out what little strength remained
until a shell laid on the cold porcelain.

for myself was her reason and if
it also attracts an interest...  well
then, so much the better it is.

she looked at me with her brown eyes
so sad and pitiful they seemed and
once I patted her on the head a little
she left to her blanket to lie down.

it was a long time to which we both
had agreed, knowing it could never
be more than it always was for us.

I watched you leave and wanted to
go back in time to say a last goodbye...
how foolish that would be since in a
couple of days we were together again.

it was "no" for me and "yes" for you
and last week it was just the opposite,
it would have been fine, if not for spite.

we mate in an afternoon frenzy
between other choices and we
never share meals only each other.

the voice on the other end sounded
different than you from what I had
remembered and wasn't sure if I
should talk with you or not, especially
since you were of no interest to me.

returning to the nest after all the winter's destruction
she rebuilds the same home she had to leave earlier
and soon will have another new family to feed there.

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