Wednesday, June 30, 2021

December 1995 - page 4

I can pretend to
be what you want
and probably fool you
for a while...  but,
my attraction to you
was based upon you
letting me be myself.

I will live
like this a
little more
than I will
begin to stray.

little by little
we drift apart
because our congruence
was not overshadowed
by our love.

save me today and
again tomorrow from me
saying we don't mesh.

you will not let
anyone take care
of you but you find
several ways to 
take care of them,
almost to the point
of showing off or
in some competition.

she works hard but
at meaningless jobs,
making little more
than she need to get by
and in the winter she
drives a car without 
any heat wearing
clothes and coats.

build me a new
image if you will,
one in which I am
less tolerant of you
than I am right now.

your greatest claim is saying
what have you done not to show
your love for me, and while
that puts you in an untouchable
position for the moment... so,
let me tell you what I have
been seeing...  your actions
contradict your words...  as you
leave for hours without saying
a word...  and, when you are
upset with me you blame
everything you do on me...
you wear tight clothes and
notice other men just to see
if I will say anything...  and you
pay people back worse than
they got you and you have these
double standards where it is
only right for you and when
that is challenged then you say
someone's being mean to you.

I am fair and will
turn the other cheek
but if there is something
that is unfair, then
my sixties upbringing
rules all my actions.

you are a hard one
to please...  you have
a worker mentality
and you greatest 
claim to fame is
holding your own
with all the males.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

December 1995 - page 3

each month brings us closer
to a life together or apart,
each month shows us what
our partner is really like,
each month has us confused
with our emotions,
each month fills us full of
happiness or regret...
each month passes as we
continue non proposed.

the future sings
softly in my ears,
and I am not so
hasty as before,
and what I want
is no longer what
I need but what
I am accepting.

she has children and her
husband leaves he alone,
she has desires and her
needs are met by another.

we are not friends
nor are we enemies,
we are strangers who
what to share nothing
nor do we give or take,
simply giving what
we have to and taking
what we can and
hoping someone acts
soon so we don't have to.

we are fortunate
we are dimple
no pure thoughts anymore
like we used to,
we are lean and mean and
hungry for advice,
we tend to ear foods without spice,
we are young and old
with no scars
or rough hands,
we tinker with the mind
and sometimes
we save a few.

she dresses to look nice
because both men and women
take shots at her and she
wonders when her misery
will be replaced by happiness,
and she deserves what she will
but needs to look inside to see
what really stands in her way.

my education stands
in our way but would not
if you were like me and
could understand all
that I cannot explain.

bring me hope
bring me relief
for all that I have done
bring me respect
from those I have not won
bring me death
bring me satisfaction
bring me an end
to all that's left undone.

war is stupid
so is fighting
and yet
we are aggressive
with our spouses
when angry,
we are stupid
having learned nothing
from years of

let me provide you
with all that you need,
let me take care of you,
and in return all I ask
is for you to be not
so damn independent.

Monday, June 28, 2021

December 1995 - page 2

there is only one
can only be me
if you'll agree
to my interpretation
of your love for me.

I have you
on my side
but you want
to know
others as well.

when I tell her I don't mind
her spending habits
I really don't
but I do wish she would
regulate herself,
if I tell her not to spend
so much, she claims
I'm worried about how much
she is spending...  trying
her best to make me feel guilty
by telling me I am
treating her mean...
I'm not worried about how
much she spends but
I am concerned that
she just will never stop.

I am concerned
that you make
comparisons that
are of an unlike nature
thinking, you are
absolutely correct 
in your analysis which
ain't necessarily so.

you expect a certain
treatment, just like I did
when it is not present...
you turn away just like I did
now the difference is I
am not saying anything
about it like you did.

you have the same mentality
as those who are uneducated
and it is beginning to
show up in your behaviors
and attitudes that have
always been foreign to you.

it is the firs
of the month
and we have our
first dusting of snow...
now everyone is
talking to see if
anyone had problems
getting outside.

what do we do
today and the
the next day and
the next...  if we
are concerned with
our inability to
compromise today?

tell me a certainty
tell me a lie
feel me what you are hiding
before I die...
tell me the truth
tell me your speculations
tell me the price you paid
to have your own way.

some woman
talked to me
about what I am doing
and you say
you have been left out
so why don't you
find a way to join in
like you told me to.?

Sunday, June 27, 2021

December 1995 - page 1

my eyes are fuzzy
when I look close
but far away
in a big picture style
there is clarity.

we travel endlessly
in our minds,
to all points between
imagination and reality,
and when we meet
friends along the way,
we search our calendars
to see if we can stay.

you sleep beside me
every night,
doing what you care to
do every day,
when our pathways coincide
we are grateful.

I stand on my own,
if I sink or swim so
be careful how you
play me  and do not
leave me in Tennessee.

she has no choice
but to let me
take care of her
even though her
life has been free
of all that for years.

lights in my eyes
lights behind my back
light enter my mind
through a variety of means
a source of darkness
is what I seek.

a world at peace
is what we have
and a movie industry that
has bizarre violence.

they came dressed in diamonds
and fancy clothes with their
superior ways and means,
they came with their pearls
and real estate holdings and
checkbooks open to help
finance all their opinions,
they have old and new money
and money stained with blood
symbolic of their closed eyes,
they have church on their side
and government
and education
and are favorite sons of the law,
they have power and prestige 
from sun up to sun down
and the only thing they truly
love is their own greed and
who they can defeat...
they are our essence
they are this land
they are our inheritance.

paint me a pretty picture
so I can see the happiness
that I know someone has
somewhere in this land.

there is no law or policy
or procedure if both side
are equally correct and
equally wrong in the
analysis of one's debate.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

November 1995 - page 5

you will stay or 
you will go...  it
makes no difference
to me...  you serve
a purpose that can
be accomplished
by anyone dear.

she has be youth
her virginity
and he had a subject
willing to be molded
into his version
of how a woman
should be...  yet,
always in a very
submissive role.

bring me off gradually
but bring me off,
with your hands or mouth
I do not care,
you will do my bidding
or you will do nothing
for me at all.

you must first put
your house in order,
before you can tell me
what I should do
and then there are the 
issues of regret and
trust that are shared.

the silence of the rose
of lambs...  gently being
led without a care,
with the only reward
being a careful blend
of pain and love...
and if you submit,
what do you feel?
what do you want?
solve the riddle to these
puzzles my dear...
and what of the rose
or any flower to which
we must obey...  to achieve
a semblance of normalcy
if ever...  indeed...
and what do you gain by
what you elect as you
serve the rose with every
position of your physical
and mental humiliation.

show me good fortune
and I will show you
someone who does not
think too highly of 
anyone but themselves.

I will not be all that you
want me to be because
I simply belong to no one.

take my money
spend it as you will
but fuss no longer
at what I spend at will,
and remember you 
can only question what
is not understood.

there is no relief from the cold
inside or outside...  I wonder
who can help what it will cost
or when it will arrive...  we have
what we need...  our wants minimal,
something is missing...  there is
no pardon...  no apology for
all that we have become recently.

age has kept them sleepless
with strange diets and they
listen to each other because
no one else gives a damn.

Friday, June 25, 2021

November 1995 - page 4

she wasn't very smart
she wasn't very pretty
she had a well developed body
she wore clothes tight and open
she had plenty of boys
but no one stayed very long.

this world hates blacks
does not want interracial couples
does let blacks have good jobs
put more of them in prison
and yet has no problems
applauding their efforts
in all forms of sports.

where am I today
where will I be tomorrow
will you be with me?

I have you
on my mind,
I have you
deep inside me,
I have you
in my heart,
and your memory
will be with me
until I die.

can I see you 
one more time
before I die?
can I touch your face
and will that memory
stay with me forever?
can I take you
with me when I die
because I do not like
being alone?
can I learn to 
love you
as you love me
as I should do
to myself?

the old man struggled to walk
wishing his life was over,
wishing all his battles were done,
the old man sat by the window
watching the birds swim free
into the wind...   masked by the
sun in the face as it passed,
the old man never smiled or
never laughed anymore even
when his children visited him,
the old man and his woman
had their house in order
waiting each day for their
debt to life to finally be repaid.

she does not mind the work
she does not want to be told
that is is her work only because
he has a job bringing in more money
and when that wasn't the case
he had helped out all the time.

she jumps to do
this and that
expecting him
to jump as well
and when he
does not jump,
she calls him
a lazy shit, and
says she does not
know why she
remains with him.

they watch the illusion
on the same screen,
presupposing they
themselves are just
as magical as he was.

for years he drove a truck
up and down the interstate,
for years he wondered if
someone else was with his
lady and even if they were
it does not seem so important
at the age of seventy-four.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

November 1995 - page 3

give me the strength
to endure your shit
so that I might outlast you,
knowing that in so doing
you will withdraw and
I will have less than
what I started with.

she goes to work
at the same time,
but there is no proof
that she arrives or
stays all day once
she does arrive
and it would not
surprise me if she
was with another
man because that
would give her the
strength she needed
to resist loving me.

what will I have
if you leave,
will I gain or lose?
there will probably
be a little of both,
I believe...  since
I am not sure what 
kind of man you need,
but I suppose you
are looking for a
parent rather than a
companion since
your looks get you
any many you need,
yet who would stay?

I am here today
gone tomorrow
and if by chance
I end up alone
sobeit because
what's the point
of sharing time
with someone 
with whom one
does not want to be.

my mind is chained to yours
in more ways than you know
or want to admit and try as
you may my dear you are
better off with me than with
someone else and that is what
bothers you about staying with
me and losing all your control.

she say she doesn't bitch
but when one fusses or
complains about how 
something has been done
is what I mean and she
does plenty of that and
it happens all the time.

you make a big deal
out of nothing and
each time you do,
I am the one who
must pay the price
until you get over it.

they were divorced
living in different worlds
they met once a week
at McDonalds to  share
the children over coffee.

it was wonderful
the best it has been in a
while and you know it.

"good morning," he said
"It was until just now," she replied,
"my boss told me I was a smart ass."

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

November 1995 - page 2

you leave
wanting me to...
when it is not as you
want it to be,
you leave
saying a word.

my life was happy
when we first met
as was yours
by your own words,
and now,
we have tried to rearrange
and change
each other's
and now,
I wonder how much you
want me if I
am not all that you
want me to be,
will that now or
eventually give us
back our happiness?

my life is blended
with yours intertwined if you
will and for ever.
I want to know for sure
if you are willing to  get
me to stay...  knowing
that it may not be your way
and when you decide  you
don't want to play that
game...  remember...  you
have asked the same of me.

my poems
have no substance
no meaning,
they are written
out of the frustration
I feel living with you.

is it ok to
send your 
wife off to
work while
you stay in
bed if one
can get away
with it now?

she tried to ignore him
leave the house without
saying goodbye...
not letting him know where
she is going after work...
stays in another room
while he is home at night...
but,  he still holds onto her
after being so cruel,
there is silence between them
as well as distance,
never being father apart,
she tries to ignore him
but to serve what purpose,
still he wants to know
as if she is here for money
or if she is here for him.

she will push him away
and into the arms of another
becoming the woman she
took him away from before.

we sleep in the same bed
but we touch as if strangers
keeping the intimacy we
have previously shared inside.

you want to run the show
and when you cannot you
swell up like a spoiled child.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

November 1995 - page 1

I will turn fifty alone
and I will be no longer
under your control...
dressing as I want to dress
talking as I want to talk
and needing only those
who need me...  and
not like you when it is
only convenient for you.

this is the last time
I will let you
or anyone else
tell me
what to do
never again.

you can pretend
all you want,
you can be this or that
but you will
no longer
touch my heart.

I am tired of
that go from
bad to worse
and I am afraid
of letting myself
love anyone
even again.

I will finish
paying off the debt
but I want you
out of my life,
the sooner the better
and I want you
to give what you will
to someone else.

you remain with me
because you have to  financially
and because you do not 
want your ex-husband
\to learn you have failed.

all I feel for you anymore
is anger and resentment
not only at you but
towards myself for letting
myself be so stupid.

get away from me woman
find another with whom
you can play your games.

I am in no one's debt
I belong to no one
you will never
have me anymore than
you have me today
and what we both have
is on a loaner basis.

there were no more
no more poems,
no more days of
all our hopes and dreams
were caught up in
our battles for control,
and if,
we loved each other
we would have had
no days like these...
wondering this or that,
being loyal,
would be of no concern
because that would
be the only way to be.

Monday, June 21, 2021

October 1995 - page 5

she is the best at
setting one up,
making one feel as though
they are to blame,
the game is played
once or twice, then
one knows what
she is going and just
fuels the fire.

she does not like
going without me,
unless it is at
her request, otherwise
she is feeling that she
is being manipulated.

once we were a
happy couple
but no more
she tried to be to me
what her ex was to her
but I am not falling for it.

you lacked money
I lacked emotional security
we are opposites
out of control
hurting each other in the process
seeing only our
points of view,
we are in a struggle that will
cause us both to lose.

your anger is apparent
you hold me in contempt
all you want to do
is use my money...
depreciate my belongings
as you believe I have done to you
before you jump the fence.

there is nothing
good about the morning
not when one is
angry and alone
but work must be done
and life goes on
nonetheless just
a little less arrogant.

this is the beginning
of the end,
I can feel the atmosphere
like it was before,
comments to make the
other person feel low,
at the bottom
no hope
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I wish I had never met you
I won't go anywhere with you
but I'll take your car
this is what we expected
and knew but hoped
would not happen to us.

If you want me
no one will get in
I don't need to be with you
just remember
how I feel.

you must accept
who I am
just as
you are asking me
to accept you,
if you do not want
to be changed then
how do expect me to?

you expect me to respond
a certain way
and when I don't 
it upsets you,
because you have no
responses for the unexpected
all you can say is
how much you hate me.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

October 1995 - page 4

where is your desire
where are your beliefs
for what
and why,
do you exist,
where are you going
where have you been
and what have you done to
make me interested?

take me into
your confidence,
let me know
how you feel and
hide your fears so
I won't have to care.

she has a blue collar mentality
which bring with it common
sense but no profound vision
of where she is or what she
wants to be...  just... comfortable
with the knowledge that  she
attracts most men she meets.

no one knows
no one will know
or should
or would if they could,
it will be our secret
as long as you
don't boast to
any of your friends.

she was a plain woman
ordinary to most
but on the weekends
she released a demon
from within that
possessed all she saw.

she wanted him or
someone like him
to live out
all those fantasies she
held inside
for all these years;
allowing no one
to know them before
reluctant to share
them now...  but, aware
for her own sake that
they should be released.

wait for me
inside my
and if
you get there
before I do,
please make
room for me.

I am free
to choose,
to no one
as you so
stated so
one day in
a typical
state of rage.

open your blouse
let those large breasts
swing free...
and be seen,
let us see all that
has been hidden
each day,
let the females see
their competition,
and what is needed
to compete against you,
and let me understand
how it really is with you.

I wonder what is wrong
when I have
difficulty some nights, 
getting hard...
and you say it is you or me,
not wanting sex and
right away I wonder
how much I'll do for you,
missing the notion of what
you might have done for me,
and if, words were spoken
to that affect  would you
fire back quickly with 
"the world doesn't revolve around you,"
but if it does not revolve around me
then it must revolve around you.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

October 1995 - page 3

the tables have turned
it is not the same
what went around
has returned and now
you are on the short end
of the stick as you must
let me grow away from you.

down and dirty
we are
each of us
wanting what we
cannot give.

you are not stupid
you know what you do
yet you say
it makes no difference to you,
and I say it does
because of the way you dress
at the very least
teases a male sexually
and that has a tendency
to force you to choose.

touch me here
but do not
touch me there,
you and I
are over and
I have no need for you
so why am I talking
to you now if
I feel that way?
I see you
in my dreams
think of you
in my heart
want you
in my soul,
you are the sum total
of everything that is
or that will be.

measure me
in terms of
how I want to be
not how
you want me to be.
it is my destiny
our destiny
to have each other
even though
doubts remain
in both our hearts.

we are one
in what we
think or feel,
we are agreeable
not as mature
and stubborn,
we are unique
in how we
perceive desire.

a cold wind howls
leaving me 
speechless...  hollow,
my feet are frozen
my flight broken
like a statue
I will remain
until morning.

you have broken
my will,
sapped my courage,
intimidated me
into believing
that it is your will or
nothing at all.

Friday, June 18, 2021

October 1995 - page 2

what to say to you
is a puzzle
what you want or need
is beyond
my capabilities,
where freedom and security
is what you had
at home with parents.

up to her face
she held her hand,
her mouth
sucked on her finger,
in and out
it moved, slowly...
her eyes looked seductive
the other woman
stepped up to her close,
pressing her large tits
against her victim's,
an excitement raced
through both bodies,
nervous sweat appeared
on both bodies,
both were sensuous
both wanted the experience
of have each other.

her nipples became
more erect as
she played with them,
passion mounted
between her legs,
she thought of her lover.
we control everything
in our lives,
from anger to lust,
especially those in between
since they lead
to the extremes.

my balls ache
for the touch of excitement,
from someone unknown
then I imagine
they will send me over
the edge of pleasure.

inside me
dwell feelings
no one knows
that no one should know
since they may
think bad thoughts of me,
and I must
keep these feelings inside
forever...  sharing
them with no one
but myself.

can you make my
dick erect without
any help from me,
can you create a mood
that excites me that much,
can you build the
passion in me so much
that I explode from
a single touch?

I am your opposite
I am your friend
I am your enemy
I a your lover 
I am not someone
to take for granted
or to compare...  so,
stop your looking around.

lack of trust 
is the behavior
of a traditional workforce,
lack of trust
has no place in a
self-directed workplace.

she pressed her body
next to mine,
I feel her large soft breasts
against mine,
down moves her hand
down between my legs,
I feel the excitement inside
she is trying to create,
I lower my hand
to the same spot on her,
I feel her moist fur,
it excites me more than imagined,
she withdraws her hand
from between my legs,
placing those same fingers
easily inside my mouth,
I do the same to her,
in and out we both move them,
we both suck seductively,
we remove our fingers
in perfect harmony
and kiss hard but tenderly,
as we explore
with our tongues...
we are and will be
each other's secret forever.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

October 1995 - page 1

here is a process of this
a process of that
everything is a process
with steps and
how to's
and why for's
but the process of relationships
is perhaps the most
difficult to understand
to make better.

if this flirting
or aggravating
as you call it
is harmless, then
you won't mind if
I start to do it?

you don't want to
be with a star
that attracts attention
because of the
privacy you say, but
the real reason
is competition
or the threat of same
but you still don't see how
I feel with you
and other men.

you could loose me
simply because
you stopped paying attention
to what bothers me
saying it is of no concern
from your point-of-view.

I will never
agree to marriage
or a divorce
until my concerns
are addressed.

too many concerns
entered my mind
at the same time
and I was uncertain
as to the ones
that were of importance.

bring me a woman
who knows
how to please a man
and I will
bring you a man who
constantly has
a wet dream.

our circumstance
is unique
ours is different
unlike those
who stay together
for convenience sake
ours remains
because it is the only
thing for us to do.

this is a birthday
month for
many of us
where wanting is not as
enjoyable as
having one anymore.

I cannot get you
off my mind,
these weekends are special
when we get along
and you
don't make me fell
I'm just
along for the ride.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

December 1988 - page 5

it was a meaningful release of anger
there was little courage
in what we did and little room
left for apologies...  there was no
back-slapping laughter for us
and no one to mediate those differences
we could no longer tolerate...  it was an
experience non-repeatable, 
non-refundable without deposits;
it was something to  behold
if one could learn from all those
thing we did wrong or about which
we no longer gave a shit...
it was an appetite worth feeding
with crumbs of each other's passion
it was to have been mutual
with benefits and the like...
not the commonplace, but it just
wasn't one of those trips that
you could charge full fair...  it was
a memory better left buried
better left forgotten and abandoned.
you heard me crying inside
and I knew we would
be come lovers...  a gentleness
surrounded the enticing web
left for each other...  an emotional
rush heated one cooled us
simultaneously...  I heard you
crying because of our attraction
and comforted you with my
understanding...  neither ran...
we could not escape being the victim
it was a day unlike any other day
yet we knew the costs and the
outcomes and still chose to remain.

out there...
it calls...
like a boy scout summer camp
when morse code was taught,
and we learned what we could
and again in the military
except this time for keeps
for much more than just ourselves;
my life flickers like camp fires
glowing but dying embers
and wonder if it's all simply
another ghost story spoken
in low muted monotones;
when courage could be found in
any dictionary and on any friday
night with the boys under the bridge,
bought and paid for and caught
in an instant with reflected
light at the end of a blade
and human juice wiped clean
on the thighs of our levis...
was it courage or stupidity?

and we wondered not long running
tossing as we ran our chains
zip-guns and knives (some called shivs)
from the flashing red lights, like the
flickering embers it seemed
rekindling a memory that should
have been left with the dead
bodies under the bridge...
left with the dead
a keen reminder of life before fifteen
and the nineteen year old's had
their own horrors to live...
we could have been but weren't
and we learned our code well
and we listened to stories
and were mesmerize by the fire
and slowly were able to forget
everything until now...
out there,,,
it found me...

free from all the sights and sounds and
clutter, he lays outstretched on the bed,
hands behind his head, elbows pointing away,
legs crossed at the ankles, eyes open to a
glazed look where nothing matters...
and he wonders if God would approve of
sky diving or if the very religious could
ever be unfaithful, if love is only for sinners...
all the questions that border on religious
ambiguities...  hours pass from reality and
into nothingness...  and he looks at birds
as if they shouldn't fly and he looks at
teenagers as if they shouldn't die and he
feels too often that his cares and cries
go unheard...  when all he wants is someone
to love him back so he won't waste his
days just lying around looking up at the sky.

can you read the hurt my heart has felt?
can you see the words written from
all my sensations of pain?
can you hear what hasn't been said?
can you feel my longing for you and
taste all the desires I suppress?

our lives are so routine and
common that we're only supposed
to fall in love with those who are
not married...  has life become
that shallow for everyone?
where is it written that love is
constrained on paper vows?
so our love is not real and
therefore means nothing,
non existent feelings...
without purpose...
without morality...
all because we love someone
who we should not love.

if the mail goes out today (Friday)
will you get it Tuesday?
If it wasn't Christmas you'd 
get it Monday but you're closed
so Tuesday will have to do.

your anger lives on a footstool
beside the kitchen sink,
it elevates your suspicions
and distrust...  it keeps you
 on guard and safe...
and you are careful and ready
re-aligning those forces that allow
you to feel and care, hoping
that more justification to
sustain your anger will be found;
today or tomorrow
or net year...  it does not matter
because it will eventually be there.

without the warmth of love
we are lifeless creatures,
doomed to the perils of loneliness
and what's worse is thinking
you have loved when you have not
or staying without love when
it could have easily been found.