Thursday, June 3, 2021

June 1988 - page 4

it began on an innocent level
one of those forums of thought
it began after the dew...
it began to erase yesterday
one of those soul searching songs
it began without you.

a two dollar lesson was all it took
at such a young age that
many results are unintentional
but one must always return
with the correct change.

the morning plans came in a flurry
of ridiculous thoughts with no points of
connection...  it was a detouring
and deliberate waste of time.

we were full of hop as any young couple
should be, with each hope as barriers,
preventing us from seeing our dreams.

each of us learned a lesson, on
that can as difficult as the feeling,
what not to want and
what not to see and and
what not to say in case of fire.

differently it began and our vision
was less spectacular that what we
knew we'd receive with little trouble.

our affection roams within a
territory of will power with self-restraint,
on eht one side and something
slightly above decadence on the other,
our affection rises and falls relative
to the humidity of those extremes.

held captive by the forces that
created our personalities, we
tread lightly when it comes
to wanting to add new ones.

she loved him but had her 
fantasies filled by those who 
didn't take her seriously.

towards him she turned in bed
hope she would not have to speak
expecting they would simply
respond to each other simultaneously.

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