Saturday, June 5, 2021

August 1988 - page 4

would she ever return to him
to taste his passion
to feel his burning desires
to hold back, showing him
what she really felt about him?

her ring was barely visible
but the impression she conveyed
made that a barrier even if
it was only psychological.

she went to him against her mother's wishes
against her sister's wishes but not her own
since singles would only be using her.

she billed her time out accordingly
taking many of the men to the
cleaners leaving all their wives
with left over soiled goods.

he clothes were flashy hiding the
body that men had taken from her,
mascara hid her scars and a wild
personality shielded her insecurities
until she was at home...  and,
alone more often than not alone.

for years she had tried to be 
what he wanted her to be...
for years she had searched
out others...  now she did not
care as indifference nourished
her...  she believed nothing.

she lost her tolerance in a
marriage game of craps,
her virginity replaced
with a hardened hatred.

once again her life took a
turn for the worst and once
again her feelings were
spread as thin as the lace
of an early morning dew.

there was a challenge
a bold adventure of the spirit
and he was ready but
his wife always brought
the scars from their past.

there was minimal contact between them
she was teaching him a lesson and didn't
really care if he'd learn anything or not.

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