Friday, September 10, 2021

August 1999- page 1

it is funny in a way
and also sad how
you need to draw
attention to yourself
and want the male
with you not to say
a word...  the sad
part is that you may
not know what you
are doing but if you
do then you have a
personality that not
many men would
want in a wife dear.

my life is not what it used to be,
I am not with the partner I am
with a competitor...  my jobs
are fine and I am learning much
but there still seems to be an
emptiness in me...  my life is
not what it needs to be and it is
up to me to change that if I can.

you show no love for me
unless I let you have your
way which is what you 
accused me of and say it 
is something you are not
going to do for me at all.

my life is what I make
of it...  it is not what I
think it should be, then
I would have done
something about it.

I have a duty to sleep
in the same bed as you
and you have a duty to
withhold your feelings
from me when I don't
let you have your way.

day after day
week after week
month after month
and it will soon be
year after year,
I write about all the
negative stuff we do
to each other and all
the bad things that 
you do to me...  and,
I continue to stay here
not because I have 
to have you but
because I know your
actions have me in
ia state of depression.

we teach each other lessons
in a way to keep our lives
the way we think they should be,
but the reality of it is that we
are pushing each other away
and we hare holding back on the
feelings we are now showing.

I feel this marriage is not good for
either of us and I feel there is less
and less love being shown...  I feel
this marriage will not last much
longer that either one or both of us
will begin to look around...  I feel
this marriage was a mistake becsause we
were raised under different points-of-view;
I feel this marriage is in deep trouble
and that it is not me or you that must
change but both of us...  I feel this
marriage was a compromise for you
that all I am for you is financial security,
I feel this marriage and the two of us
will never change...  especially you
because if you hold out long enough
you think you will get what you want.

you act like you have a boyfriend
who you are seeing on your long
workdays and days off...  but I am
not supposed to notice or to say
anything about it because...
since you have someone, you don't
reallly care what happens to me,
nor do you ever say anything about
what I might be doing...  so, you
want me not to say anything to you.

this year is half over and we have
been married for a little over a year
and it has been one of the worst years
of my life...  in fact, my entire life
has gone into the gutter since we met
and I left my wife to be with you more.

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