Tuesday, September 7, 2021

July 1999 - page 3

believe me when I tell
this as it is the only way
it can be...  unless something
in you changes because
I have changed and all I
can do right now for you
is take what belongs to me
and all the rest is yours.

we laugh and talk now
lettimng each other know
what is on our minds...
and we listen and try to
understand hoiw the other
person feels and sees and
how we need to react to
all the other person says.

there is still a lack of trust
that I feel for you and I
cannot help wondering
if you have a boy friend
and that it is he who calls
at all hours of the night
and you have managed to 
act like you know nothing
whenever it happens now.

it is the fourth of July today
and we have had a weekend off
and have done nothing...
except for the fact that you see
who you want to see when
you want to and do what you
want to as well...  leaving me
to wonder what you really
do on all your days off now.

you have me to pay
your bills while you play around
with who you want to.

you have a chance to be with
me in the mornings before
you go to work but you choose
to sleep instead...  expecting me
to be there for you whenever
it is that you want me there.

there are times when you have
the time to call the stores and
discuss personal issues but you
claim there is no time to call
homee and that leaves me
thinking your intentions are
not as you claim them to be.

my life is composed
of worrying about
what you are doing 
when what I should
be thinking is what
I want to do instead.

you want me to trust you
but you actr like you are
seeing another person and
that it does not bother you
because of the way you claim
that I treat you...  yet you 
would not let me go to the
wedding by myself because
you did not trust me with
my ex wife being present,
and if the truth be known it
was not me that you did 
not trust but it was yourself.

where did we go wrong
what did we do... to make
our lives this way and
does it really matter that
you are having an affair
as long as we have sex
and you don't give me AIDS?
is this how our marriage
has ended up or is it just
the way it is with a woman
who acts like you act?

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